[net.games] Fill in the Blanks

avi (02/11/83)

This has been floating around here for awhile.  Sorry, but I don't know
the original source.  Mail to me for the answers (but not for at least
two weeks!).

	This test is to give you some gauge of your mental flexibility and
creativity.  Since we've developed the test, we've found few people who 
could solve more than half the 24 questions on the first try.  Many, however,
reported getting answers long after the text had been set aside, particularly
at unexpected moments when their minds were relaxed; and some reported solving
all the questions over a period of several days.  Take this as our personal 

Instructions:  Each question below contains the initials of words that will
               make it correct.  Find the missing words.

        Example:  60 = S_________ in a M_________(Answer: Seconds in a Minute).

 1)    26 = L_________ of the A_________.
 2)     7 = W_________ of the A_________ W_________.
 3)  1001 = A_________ N_________.
 4)    12 = S_________ of the Z_________.
 5)    54 = C_________ in a D_________ (with the J_________).
 6)     9 = P_________ in the S_________ S_________.
 7)    88 = P_________ K_________.
 8)    13 = S_________ on the A_________ F_________.
 9)    32 = D_________ F_________ at which W_________ F_________.
10)    18 = H_________ on a G_________ C_________.
11)    90 = D_________ in a R_________ A_________.
12)   200 = D_________ for P_________ G_________ in M_________.
13)     8 = S_________ on a S_________ S_________.
14)     3 = B_________ M_________(S_________ H_________ T_________ R_________).
15)     4 = Q_________ in a G_________.
16)    24 = H_________ in a D_________.
17)     1 = W_________ on a U_________.
18)     5 = D_________ in a Z_________ C_________.
19)    57 = H_________ V_________.
20)    11 = P_________ on a F_________ T_________.
21)  1000 = W_________ that a P_________ is W_________.
22)    29 = D_________ in F_________ in a L_________ Y_________.
23)    64 = S_________ on a C_________.
24)    40 = D_________ and N_________ of the G_________ F_________.

            G_________ L_________!!!

			Avi Naiman

mark (02/13/83)

This test looks just like one I saw in Reader's Digest a few months ago.
(Same questions, even.)

I caution anyone who passes it around that it may be copyrighted.

mauney (02/14/83)

References: utcsrgv.1004

The Fill in the blanks quiz was started by Games magazine.
It has been passed around quite a bit, usually without acknowledgement,
and several people have apparently sent the original quiz to the editors
of Games, suggesting they use it.  The editors seem to be amused,
but wish people would give them credit.

To make up for the fact that that quiz has been on the net at least twice
now (without acknowledgement), let me put in a plug for Games,
and point out that two more versions of "Equation Analysis" have been
produced, and those who enjoyed it should buy the mag.

                  Jon Mauney

jtg (02/14/83)

The puzzle originally appeared in GAMES magazine several years ago.  Since
then GAMES has published two more sets of similar puzzles, as well as
a new twist on the game this month:  fill in the proverb, i. e. T.H. are B. thO.  
(Two Heads are Better than One).  For more, see GAMES magazine, March, 1983
issue.  GAMES commented that the original puzzle got passed around so much
that people started to submit it to them to publish, not knowing where it
had originated.  As far as I know, no legal action was ever taken.

					Jim Grosch

jtg (02/14/83)

In my previous message, that should be T.H. are B. than O.  Sorry about
					Jim Grosch