lab (04/02/83)
Is the computer ripping me off, or is there something amiss in the rules? I had just played a Remedy Card (Spare Tire, Roue de Secours) on top of a Hazard Card (Flat Tire, Creve'). On my next turn, I drew the appropriate Safety Card (Puncture Proof, Increvable) and promptly played it. That should have canceled the attack in progress and allowed me to play mileage cards. STINKIN' COMPUTER DEMANDED A GO/ROULEZ FIRST!!!! (It also allowed the computer to get a shutout!) Larry Bickford decvax!decwrl!qubix!lab (reply either to the net or me)
arnold (04/04/83)
#R:qubix:-18800:ucbmonet:17600001:000:1133 ucbmonet!arnold Apr 3 20:37:00 1983 /***** / qubix!lab / 6:36 pm Apr 1, 1983*/ Is the computer ripping me off, or is there something amiss in the rules? I had just played a Remedy Card (Spare Tire, Roue de Secours) on top of a Hazard Card (Flat Tire, Creve'). On my next turn, I drew the appropriate Safety Card (Puncture Proof, Increvable) and promptly played it. That should have canceled the attack in progress and allowed me to play mileage cards. STINKIN' COMPUTER DEMANDED A GO/ROULEZ FIRST!!!! (It also allowed the computer to get a shutout!) Larry Bickford decvax!decwrl!qubix!lab (reply either to the net or me) /* ---------- */ Now, now. People continually complain that mille cheats, but, alas, it does not. The rules (at least the copy in my deck of Mille Bourne) say that the safety will remove the corresponding hazard, returning you to the "go" state. It also will prevent any future hazard card from being played. It never states that it will remove a corresponding remedy card with the hazard card to return you to the "go" state. If you can quote me the rule that substantiates your idea, I will change it. Ken