[net.games] What comes after Adventure and Zork ???

3255fah@houxq.UUCP (07/21/83)

WANTED: another game ala Adventure and Zork to ease
	my withdrawl symptoms ..... can anybody out
	there help me (the closer to New Jersey the
	better - VAX 780 - UNIX 4.n or 5.n ).

I have seen some references to HAUNT (??) and I seem
	to recall a Langston distributed game a few
	eons ago - who can I call/bribe/wheedle ???

Many merci's, "xyzzy's", and "well's" ......
		Fred Hicinbothem

chongo@nsc.uucp (Curt Noll) (08/17/83)

I am currently in the middle of a 5+ year projet to creat a super-ZORK
style game built around a simulation generator, EXPLORE, which i am
also developing.  as a test of EXPLORE, i will creat a game where one
must deal with beurocrats, and move through "twisty stupid beurocratic
procedures, all alike".

chongo /\../\