[net.math] random numbers

derek (04/14/83)

	I have stubmled upon an algorithm which generates all numbers
	between 1 and 32767 inclusive in a seemingly random order. 
	The idea is to start with a seed, then generate the next
	number in the sequence by the following steps:

	(1)	exclusive or bits 0 and 1
	(2)	right shift by one position
	(3)	if step (1) yields TRUE, set bit 14

	I am submitting this here in hope of learning if the
	sequence can be classified as a psuedo-random sequence
	suitable for use in random number generators, and,
	to see if anyone can tell me why it works (I do not know).

					Derek Andrew
					University of Saskatchewan


#define random(x) ((x >> 1) | (((x & 1) ^ ((x >> 1) & 1)) << 14))
main() {
	register x, count, seed;

	x = seed = 3;
	for (count = 0; count < 32767; count++) {
		x = random(x);
		if (x == seed) {
			printf("We have looped to original seed.\n");
	printf("count = %d value = %d\n", count, x);

leichter (04/15/83)

The algorithm you describe is a particular case of a GFSR (Generalized
Feedback Shift Register).  To make a GFSR:  Take a shift register, shifting
right one bit every "tick".  Add on XOR gates that cause the value moved
into any cell of the register to be the XOR of the value shifting in from
the left and the value shifting out of any other cell.  The resulting
operation can be used in a number of ways.  If you feed a value into the
leftmost cell, and keep shifting as long as you have new input bits, what
ends up in the register is some CRC - i.e. the remainder of the input,
considered as a polynomial over the integers mod 2, when divided by some
fixed polynomial.  (There is an XOR gate for each term of the fixed polynomial;
the degree of the fixed polynomial is (# of cells in the register)-1.)

With no input, successive shifts cycle through some subset of possible n-bit
binary numbers.  The length of the cycle depends on the polynomial chosen,
and can be up to 2^n - 1.  (0 stays 0 no matter what the polynomial, so it
can't occur in a maximum-length cycle; some starting values and polynomials
produce 0 after a while.)  The values in the cycle are quite random, for
appropriate values of the polynomial; random number generators based on this
technique have been studied; I believe they are called Tausworth generators.
An article appeared in Computing Surveys about 4 years ago on this - specifi-
cally, it discussed the use of such generators to produce encryption devices.

Interesting side note:  There is a really clever use for GFSR's in LSI design.
Suppose you need a piece of LSI circuitry that counts n clock ticks.  You
don't need the intermediate values for anything; you just need to know when
n ticks have gone by, where n is some fixed constant.  You could build a
register, load it with n, and decrement it on every clock tick until you
get 0; but decrementing takes a LOT of hardware compared to a GFSR, which is
very little more than the flip-flops for the register and some wires.  So...
you find some GFSR an initial value k such that putting k into the GFSR and
shifting n times gives you 0 (or any other very-cheap-to-test value - 0 is
hard to beat).  Your count loop is now:  Load k in the register; shift on
each clock tick; done when the register is 0.

(Finding such GFSR's and k's isn't, I gather, too hard, and in any case I'm
sure tables of small GFSR's and k's for all small values of n are available
by now.)
							-- Jerry

soreff (04/15/83)

There is a class of psuedorandom number generator which use shifting and
exclusive oring of an n-bit shift register.  They will generate all the
2^n states of the n-bit register except 00...0.  I seem to recall that they
are connected to the "primitive polynomials" in the theory of galois fields.
Look at any good book on error correcting codes for more information.
	-Jeffrey Soreff (hplabs!soreff)

lew (04/15/83)

Jerry Leichter should have added that Derek Andrew's generator is a
VERY particular case of the generalized shift register, since bit 14
is the only bit which is not a simple shift of a previous bit.

Note that:
	b14[n] = b14[n-14] ^ b14[n-15] ( ^ == xor )

The seed is just a specification of the initial conditions, b14[0] thru
b14[-14]. By recursion, you can easily write b14[n] as an xor product of
these bits, for any n.

This is really just a one bit random number generator.
Bits 13 thru 0 are just a trace of the last 14 values of bit 14. This
disqualifies it for practical use.

There is an article in the November 1970 Bell System Technical Journal
entitled "A Fast Method of Generating Digital Random Numbers", by
C.M. Rader, L.R. Rabiner, and R.W. Schafer. It describes generators of
the form:
	x[n] = rot( x[n-1] ^ x[n-2] )

In a footnote, they mention that each bit can be defined as an xor
product of previous values of the same bit, so that the effect is that
of a set of one-bit generators running in parallel.

	Lew Mammel, Jr. ihuxr!lew

brunton (04/15/83)

	Further to Jerry's note on GFSR's (Generalized Feedback Shift
Register), this subject is at the heart of Finite Field Arithmetic.
In particular, the example of XOR'ing bits 0 and 1, doing a shift on
a 15 bit shift register, and stuffing the XOR result in the MSB
position is a specific example of a Galois Field generating circuit
over the field GF(2^15).

	As Jerry also mentioned, a circuit (or field generator) of this
type is capable of developing up to (2^15-1) different 15 bit combinations.
This will be true only if the feedback polynomial (or feedforward
polynomial in this case) is first irreducible over the finite field being
generated, and second primitive.

	Peterson and Weldon's book on Error-Correcting Codes gives a
introduction to this subject and a table of feedback polynomials that
a maximal length.

	As, an aside, it is also true that the particular polynomial
used in the example, that besides having linearly independent roots,
the roots of the reciprocal polynomial are also linearly indepentent.
This implies that the reciprocal polynomial is also irreducible, and

				Scott Brunton
				Hewlett-Packard Labs.

don (04/23/83)

Subject: random numbers

Volume 2 of Knuth should be consulted if you want random number
generators.  Random bit munging is not likely to be good.  If you want
to use pseudo-random numbers for cryptography, beware!  Linear shift
registers are known to be worthless for cryptography now a days.
Non-linear congruential methods might be good, but a lot of the work on
them is probably secret.

Since the UNIX crypt command was broken recently, I have started using
DES to encrypt files.  It is unfortunate that people have not taken to
heart the issue of information privacy enough to agree on secure file
encryption and encrypted mail protocols.  The UNIX secretmail is also
dubious since the knap-sack method it uses is crumbling rapidly under
the assult of modern cryptographers.

mat (04/23/83)

hplabs!hansen has stated that the UN*X crypt(I) has been broken.  Can anyone
give more info on this?  On how it is broken?  By whom the work was done?
And for that matter, how it worked in the first place?  I know it was
originally developed from a ``wheel--and--key'' machine, but I don't know
how that works either.  Come on, fella's There's a newsgroup out here!
Can't someone post copies of announcements?  Maybe if I see enough
references to useful journals, etc, I won't need to ask eventually!

ANd the KnapSack method is crumbling?  Is factoring of large numbers moving
ahead that fast?
						Mark Terribile
						(Duke of deNet)
						Spiridellis and Associates
						at American Bell, Holmdel

leichter (04/23/83)

Don remarks that the knapsack method used in Unix secret mail "is crumbling
rapidly".  Just to provide a little further data:  The basic knapsack system
has completely crumbled, in the sense that there is a polynomial time algorithm
that will break it (although it's a slow algorithm...).  A reference is:
"A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Breaking the Basic Merkle-Hellman Crypto-
system", Adi Shamir, Proceedings of the 23rd FOCS (roughly December 82, I don't
have a copy), pg.145-152.  Shamir has proposed some variations on the basic
scheme, including an "ultimate" variation that appears in some sense to be
the strongest one possible ("Embedding Cryptographic Trapdoors in Arbitrary
Knapsack Systems" - I can't provide a reference, I'm afraid - all I have is
a 6-month-or-so old pre-print).  The security of these variations is not known
with certainty, but at best one can say that no one can yet see an attack -
they don't look to healthy.
							-- Jerry

leichter (04/23/83)

In answer to Mark Terribile:  Re knapsack systems, see my other submission to
this newsgroup a couple of minutes ago.  Re:  Factoring large numbers:  This
has nothing to do with the knapsack system.  As a separate problem, though,
progress is being made, although all known algorithms are still super-polyno-
mail - although they are sub-exponential.  (Current best is something like
exp(sqrt(log log n)) or some crazy thing like that.)  My personal feeling is
that factoring MAY be very hard, but we really don't have much good reason
to believe it at this point.  (The strong argument FOR hardness has always been
that hundreds of years of effort by the best mathematicians hadn't cracked th
\\\the problem.  Unfortunately, the efforts had as a goal a deterministic
factoring method for all numbers.  The notion of probablistic algorithms is only
a couple of years old, and thus we have almost no evidence that there is not a
fast probablistic algorithm.  Note that the Solovay-Strassen probablistic prima-
lity tester would have been perfectly understandable to Fermat - but it wasn't
though of until very recently.  Also note that, inspired by the probablistic
algorithms, deterministic algorithms have now been devised.)

The reason factoring is interesting, of course, is that the other major public-
key cryptosystem, RSA, depends on its being hard.  It turns out that there is
an attack on RSA - and, in fact, on ALL public-key systems - that has nothing
to do with factoring.  It's a bit long to go into here, but the basic argument
goes like this:  Think about, say, RSA.  Suppose I had some way to read just
the bottom bit of an encrypted message.  Could I do anything?  In fact, one
can show that the ability to determine the bottom bit in polynomial time makes
it possible to read the whole message in polynomial time.  (There is a clever
trick that lets you essentially "shift the message right one bit" once you know
the bottom bit.)  Now how do I read the bottom bit?  I - the interceptor - don't
instead, I trick you (the recipient) into reading it for me.  The particular
way in which I trick you depends on the protocol we use on our network, and it
MAY be possible to come up with a safe protocol - but no one knows how, at
the moment.  Here is an example of an unsafe protocol:  In response to a yes
or no question, send (the encryption of) an even number for yes, of an odd
number for no.  (Looks innocent, no?)  I wait until you send me a message
asking if I want to join you for pizza.  I send you the message I intercepted.
You decrypt, and check the bottom bit.  If it's 0, you think I said yes and
go to the pizza place; otherwise, you don't go.  All I have to do is watch
what you do...

The reference for this work is:  "Why and How to Establish a Private Code on
a Public Network", by Goldwasser, Micali, and Tong, Proceedings of the 23rd
FOCS, pg 134-144.  Warning:  It's a pretty technical article, and slow going.
							-- Jerry

pn (04/23/83)

Could you say more about the UNIX crypt command and how it was broken?