jonab@sdcrdcf.UUCP (Jonathan Biggar) (12/15/83)
(This is a reposting because this article did not get to most of the net.)
Here is a blow by blow replay of the first recorded Ogre* game by netmail.
The participants were:
Ogre: Jon Biggar, System Development Corp.,
{allegra, burdvax, cbosgd, hplabs, ihnp4, sdcsvax}!sdcrdcf!jonab
Defending Force: John J. Lang, Colorado State University,
{decvax!cca!hplabs, ucbvax!hplabs, lbl-uni!boulder}!csu-cs!lang
We used a technique for rolling dice that envolved exchanging encrypted
random number seeds and then labeling each die roll with a unique
sequence number from which to generate the result. This eliminates
all possibility of cheating, because at the end of the game, the
random number seeds can be decrypted and each player can check
that the other player used the correct die rolls.
The initial starting setup:
Hex Unit Hex Unit
0701 Command Post 0507 3 str. Infantry
0606 Howitzer 1009 3 str. Infantry
1006 Howitzer 1208 3 str. Infantry
0602 Missile Tank 1306 3 str. Infantry
1003 Missile Tank 0807 2 str. Infantry
1317 Heavy Tank 1106 2 str. Infantry
1612 Heavy Tank 0709 1 str. Infantry
1616 Heavy Tank 0811 1 str. Infantry
1818 GEV 1017 1 str. Infantry
1916 GEV 1116 1 str. Infantry
2115 GEV
[Lang: I chose this combination because I wanted a balanced force. I
liked the having 2 Howitzers so that they could provide covering fire
for each other. The Command Post was set up to force Jon to run down
the right side of the board, this way it would be easier to predict
his moves. I also wanted to spread my force out to give me a chance
to react to his first moves. ]
[Biggar: Looking at his starting position, I decided that my best method
of attack would be to go up the side nearest the Command Post.
It was the most direct route, and I would not have to worry about
being flanked on both sides. (I would not loose potential targets
when I went after other targets.). Also, I could hit one howitzer (1006),
without being within range of the other one.]
Ogre moves to 2821, 2720, 2619. No fires this turn.
To: Command eastern theater
>From: Command Post 1135
I thought you said that there were no OGREs in this Sector?
movement by type
unit start movement unit start movement
MslT 0602 0703 0804 3Inf 1208 1308 1408
MslT 1003 1104 1205 3Inf 1009 1109 1210
HvyT 1612 1712 1813 1914 3Inf 0507 0607 0707
HvyT 1616 1717 1817 1816 2Inf 1106 1207 1308
Hvyt 1317 1417 1416 1516 2Inf 0807 0908 1008
GEV 2115 2215 2316 2417 1Inf 0709 0809 0910
GEV 1916 2017 1Inf 0811 0810 0910
GEV 1818 1817 1816 1916 1Inf 0916 1016 1116
3Inf 1306 1307 1408 1Inf 1116 no move
Gev @ 2417 fire treads #23 (Die roll 6: result X)
Gev Second Move:
Gev @ 2417 to 2317 2217 2117 /* RUN AWAY RUN AWAY */
[Lang: Well he did what I expected he would do. I was also able to
draw first blood, not much damage but a moral victory. I started
pulling my 1 point Infantries together so they can do something
interesting. I my ending position should keep my GEV's relatively
[Biggar: It seems to me that having all of those units so far
back from the crater line will hurt his game. It will
take too much valuable time to get them into action.
I will go with the usual Ogre strategy: Crush, Crumple and Stomp.]
(INTERNAL CONSISTENCY CHECK: unknown reference to "mosquitoes",
Move: Ogre @ 2619 moves 2519, 2419, 2319
fire: 1 primary on Gev @ 2017 #5 (Die Roll: 1 result: No Effect)
4 secondaries on Gev @ 2117 (Sure kill)
[Biggar: Damn the mosquitos, full speed ahead]
[Lang: "Hey Fred, I think it is shooting at us." Well, I got lucky
that time. Looking at my starting position I can see my missile tanks
started to far back to do me much good for a while. I could either
pull back and try to get under the protection of my Howitzers, or try
to delay his advance. The later case sounds better because pulling
back to fast will not give me enough time to stop him. This turn I
will continue to bring up my forces, and try to draw him off with my
GEV's. I can also take a couple of pot shots at his treads. ]
unit start movement unit start movement
MslT 0804 0805 0906 1Inf 1408 1509 1610
MslT 1205 1306 1307 2Inf 1409 1410 1511
HvyT 1914 1813 1812 1Inf 1409 1509 1610
HvyT 1816 1715 1714 1713 3Inf 1210 1311 1412
HvyT 1516 1616 1615 3Inf 0707 0808 0909
GEV 2117 destroyed 2Inf 1308 1409 1410
GEV 2017 2118 2219 2220 2321 2Inf 1008 1109 1210
GEV 1916 2017 2118 2219 2220 2Inf 0910 1010 1111
2Inf 1408 1508 1609 2Inf 1116 1115 1114
Gev @ 2321 fires treads #10 (Die roll 3 result: No Effect)
Gev @ 2220 fires treads #5 (Die roll 2 result: No Effect)
Gev second Move:
Gev @ 2321 to 2421 2521 2621
Gev @ 2220 to 2321 2322
[Lang: Happy Hunting]
[Biggar: There seeming to be no sense in charging into his Heavy Tanks yet,
I will stay back and finish off the Gevs so that nothing will be
behind me.]
Move: Ogre @ 2319 to 2320 2421
F to get them into action.
I will go with the usual Ogre strategy: Crush, Crumple and Stomp.]
(INTERNAL CONSISTENCY CHECK: unknown reference to "mosquitoes",
Move: Ogre @ 2619 moves 2519, 2419, 2319
fire: 1 primary on Gev @ 2017 #5 (Die Roll: 1 result: No Effect)
4 secondaries on Gev @ 2117 (Sure kill)
[Biggar: Damn the mosquitos, full speed ahead]
[Lang: "Hey Fred, I think it is shooting at us." Well, I got lucky
unit start movement unit start movement
MslT 0906 1007 1008 3Inf 0909 1010 1111
MslT 1307 1308 1409 2Inf 1609 1710 1711
HvyT 1812 no move 2Inf 1610 1611 1712
HvyT 1713 no move 2Inf 1511 1512 1613
HvyT 1615 no move 2Inf 1410 1511 1612
GEV 2621 Destroyed 2Inf 1210 1311 1412
GEV 2322 Disrupted 2Inf 1111 1212 1112
3Inf 1412 1513 1614 2Inf 1114 1214 1213
Fires: None
[Lang: Trying to make the best of a bad situation]
[Biggar: His line around his heavy tanks is looking nasty.
If I go straight in, he'll kill me. So I'll just stay back,
finish off that last Gev, and let him make the mistakes.]
Move: Ogre @ 2421 to 2321 2221 2120
Fire: 1 main & 4 secondaries on Gev @ 2322 (sure kill)
[Biggar: just taking some target practice.]
[Lang: My last GEV is gone. This removes my ability to hit and run
latter in the game. Lets move a little closer and wait for his
attack. ]
unit start movement
MslT 1008 1009 1010 2Inf 1711 1712 1813
MslT 1409 1410 1411 2Inf 1712 1713
HvyT 1812 1813 1814 2Inf 1613 1614
HvyT 1713 1714 2Inf 1612 1613
HvyT 1615 1515 1516 2Inf 1412 1513 1514
GEV 2322 Destroyed 2Inf 1112 1213 1314
3Inf 1614 1514 1515 2Inf 1213 1214 1215
3Inf 1111 1212 1313
Fires: None
[Lang: well, he won't get close enough. Of course I don't want
to encourage him too much.]
[Biggar: The only way I am going to get through that line is to
skirt the edge and hope that I can kill his units as
they close. Actually, I think I have been pretty lucky
so far. I have only lost two tread units for the price
of all his Gevs. He seems to be hanging back just
inside the range of his howitzer. I can't see why because
I still could attack his units from outside of his
howitzer fire. Well, here goes nothing.]
Move: Ogre @ 2120 to 2020, 1920, 1819
1 main on Heavy Tank @ 1516 #12 1/1 odds (result: disrupted)
[Biggar: I hope I have done the right thing. Luckily I disrupted
his main tank so that I will only have to face fire from 1 this turn.]
[Lang: He shifted to the left. I guess I should have expected this.
Now we get to see how mobile my force is. I am going to have to engage
him now. This will give him the first shot, but I can't wait much
longer. I have to reduce his movement to 2, and take out his missiles,
or my howitzers will never survive long enough to stop him. ]
unit start movement unit start movement
MslT 1010 1111 1212 2Inf 1813 1814 1714
MslT 1411 1412 1513 2Inf 1713 1714 1614
HvyT 1814 1815 1816 1817 2Inf 1614 1615 1515
HvyT 1714 1716 1615 1616 2Inf 1613 1614 1514
HvyT 1516 Disrupted 2Inf 1514 1414 1314
3Inf 1515 1516 1517 2Inf 1314 1214 1215
3Inf 1313 1414 2Inf 1215 1316 1417
Heavy Tank @ 1817 on Main Battery, #16 1/1 odds (result: 3 a miss)
[Biggar: I'm glad he missed! I seem to have lured several of his
units close, I shall try to see how many I can destroy
this turn. This is quite a gamble because it puts me
in range of almost all his units next turn.]
Move: Ogre @ 1819 to 1718, 1617, 1517
(overrunning 3 Infantry Squads @ 1517, reduced to 2 squads)
4AP on 2Inf @ 1417 2/1 odds #11 (roll: 4 result: Destroyed)
4AP on 2Inf @ 1517 2/1 odds #13 (roll: 1 result: miss)
2 secondaries on Heavy @ 1516 2/1 odds #16 (roll: 3 result Disrupt/Destroy)
2 secondaries on Heavy @ 1616 2/1 odds #18 (roll: 6 result Destroyed)
1 main on Heavy @ 1817 1/1 odds #21 (roll: 2 result miss)
[Biggar: What a wonderful thing, a cybernetic brain!)
[Lang: That last round hurt. I am down to 1 Heavy and lots of
grunts. I am going to take another try at his main battery, and a
shot at one of his missiles. If I get lucky and take both of them out
I will still have a chance. The rest of the Infantry that I can get
there will be on his treads. ]
unit start movement
MslT 1212 1213 2Inf 1714 1614 1514
MslT 1513 1614 2Inf 1614 1514 1414
HvyT 1817 1717 1616 1515 2Inf 1515 1516 1416
HvyT 1616 Destroyed 2Inf 1514 1414 1314
HvyT 1516 Destroyed 2Inf 1314 1214 1215
2Inf 1517 Holds 2Inf 1215 1316 1417
3Inf 1414 1515 1516 2Inf 1417 Destroyed
[Biggar: What a wonderful thing, multiple brains!]
HvyT @ 1515 & 2Inf @ 1517 & 2Inf @ 1417 on main battery 2/1 #9
(roll: 1 result miss)
MslT @ 1213 & MslT @ 1614 on missile 2/1 #12
(roll: 4 result destroyed)
3Inf @ 1516 treads 1/1 #6 (roll: 2 result miss)
2Inf @ 1416 treads 1/1 #15 (roll: 2 result miss)
[Lang: If my troops survive this thing they are going to spend a
month on the target range. This time he should have more targets, so
maybe more people will survive.
Jon, may your Ogre be turned into a plow tractor.]
[Biggar: I can't believe how badly he is missing. I should be
in a lot worse shape. With a little fancy maneuvering and
a lot of luck, I should be able to destroy or disrupt half
his mobile force this turn.]
Move: Ogre @ 1517 to 1416, 1417, 1316
2AP on 1Inf@1416 2/1 #22 (roll: 4 result: destroyed)
2AP on 1Inf@1417 2/1 #25 (roll: 5 result: destroyed)
4AP on 2Inf@1215 2/1 #28 (roll: 4 result: destroyed)
2 second on 3Inf@1516 2/1 #31 (roll: 5 result: destroyed)
2 second on 2Inf@1314 3/1 #33 (roll: 6 result: destroyed)
1 main on MslT@1213 2/1 #36 (roll: 2 result: disrupted)
[Biggar: That was the most incredible batch of die rolls I have
ever seen!]
[Lang: Well, there is nothing wrong with his targeting program. With
only 1 heavy tank, 1 working missile tank, and 6 infantry it will
soon be over. Looking ahead to the next turn the best I can expect to
do is take out 1 weapon, or get him close to a 2 movement. As a
result he could take out 4 of my 6 Infantry, and at least 1 and
probably both of my missile tanks, this would leave me 1 heavy, 2
Infantry, and 2 Howitzers. Not enough to stop a basically fresh
Mk. III. So, like rats leaving a sinking ship, the men in the Command
Post head for the hills. Everyone else runs away too. ]
[Lang: If I had this to do over I would deploy much further forward.
This would help me give as much as I got. I would also get some
different dice. ]
*Ogre is a Steve Jackson Game.
Jon Biggar