[net.games] Vectrex article correction

wje@sii.UUCP (Bill Ezell) (05/11/84)

Several people have noted that the box routine posted in my first
Vectrex article doesn't assemble with the assembler that I posted.

The problem is that I changed the assembler between the time that I
posted the first article and and the time that I posted the assembler!
The change was in the way that direct addresses vs. extended addresses
are represented in the input source. Addresses that don't reference the
the direct page must have a leading '$' to indicate an extended address.
The working version of box follows. Sorry about that.
		-Bill Ezell

#define dptoC8		0xF1AF
#define dptoD0		0xF1AA
#define drawl1b		0xF40E
#define waitrecal	0xF192
#define xaxto7F		0xF2A9

#define mag	0xC900

	.org	0x0;
	.byte	'g',' ','G','C','E',' ','2','0','0','1',0x80;
	.word	music;
	.word	0xf850;
	.word	0x30e8;
	.byte	'B','O','X', 0x80,0;

start:	clr	$mag;				/* start with smallest box */
	ldd	#0x3075;
	std	$0xC83D;			/* set t2 timer for 20 msec */
	jsr	$dptoD0;
	std	0x8;				/* start t2 */

loop:	jsr	$waitrecal;			/* wait for end of cycle */
	jsr	$xaxto7F;			/* adjust beam intensity */
	lda	#0xCE;
	sta	0xC;				/* get out of zero mode! */
	inc	$mag;				/* grow box once each cycle */
	ldb	$mag;
	ldx	#box;
	jsr	$drawl1b;			/* xreg points to dlist now */
	bra	loop;

boxloc:	.byte	0,0;
box:	.byte	-1,0,50;
	.byte	-1,50,0;
	.byte	-1,0,-50;
	.byte	-1,-50,0;
	.byte	1;

/* the startup stuff points to this as our initial music */

	.word	0xed8f;
	.word	0xfeb6;
	.byte	4,30, 2,10, 0,20, 2,20, 4,20, 4,20, 4,40;
	.byte	0, 0x80;			/* end of music */