bill@dual.UUCP (Bill Kanawyer) (06/20/84)
July 4, 1902 Elysee Palace, Republic of France WHEREAS, The Republic of France and the Fascist Government of Italy have been in negociations toward the end of peaceful co-existance, and WHEREAS, these negociations have to date been unfruitful because the goverment of Italy has refused all proposals for peace, and has advanced an Army to the provice of Piedmont, which can only have one purpose, that is, to make war upon the Republic of France, and WHEREAS, the government of Italy has refused to remove that Army and further has made warlike declarations to the Republic of France, and has advanced a Naval Fleet to the Western Mediterranean which can only be there for the purpose of supporting a war on the Iberian Penninsula, which is a territory of the Republic of France, therefore be it RESOLVED that the Republic of France declares a state of war exists between it and the Fascist government of Italy until said government is vanquished or surrenders of its own accord. Governments and nations which come to the aid of the Fascist Government of Italy are hereby warned that their armies will be attacked and destroyed; their navies will be fired upon and sunk until such time as they sue for peace and conclude negociations for cease-fire between their respective nations and the Republic of France. signed and executed the forth day of July, year of our Lord nineteen hundred and two, Charles T. Gaskette President, Republic of France Jacques la Guerre Mininster of War Hon. Wn. Neil Kanawyer Special Ambassador for the Republic of France (Dave Peak Game)