[net.games] ZorkII and III{details}

operator@bnl.UUCP (operator) (08/20/84)

Suject:Zork I and II
Newsgroup: net.games

  What I need big help is to look for collar(leash}...



   I have completed Zork I. Here is the list of Zork II and Zork III
 So I need some hints and helps.  Please mail me .  I will be here 
 until August 31st . I am only be here for the summer.
  thanks...........Mike Botte  {just mail botte}

   Need help:

     In zork II:

           <1> vault- 
                    a-how to get in and out of the vault
                    b-what is so important about the cube {10 ft.}
                    c-will it be removed by demon
                    d-is the small room inside the cube
                    e-is the shimmering curtain on the cube

           <2> demon-
                    a-need one more treasure to be given to demon
                    b-what happen after the demon get all ten treasures
                                       Ten Teasures have to be given:
                                         pearl necklace
                                         fancy violin
                                         gold key
                                         flathead stamp
                                         gaudy crown
                                         zorkmid coins
                                         dragon statue
                                         one more treasure ???

           <3> three-headed-
                    a-where is collar{leash}
                    b-how to enter the tomb
                    c-what I suppose to do about it.
           <4> violin-
                    a-could the violin make the dog fall asleep
                    b-where will the playing violin be effected

           <5> mangled cage-
                    a-could it be useful
                    b-what to do with it
                    c-could the dog be trapped by it

           <6> menhir-
                    a-how to move the menhir
                    b-what does 'f' on the menhir mean
           <7> wizard`s objects-

                    a-wand:how to get it from wizard
                          could it be useful to incant
                    b-case:how to open the case
                    c-nicked sword:is it weapon
                    d-stuffed owl:is it useful
                    e-small bottles:what is it
                    f-all itmes of wizard`s:how to get them all

           <8> incantation-
                    a-what is the meaning of the white book saying
                    b-who will I incant to {wizard}?
                    c-what is the magic words to be incanted
           <9> cakes-
                    a-red one:
                      why does it reappear in the pool room
                      will it be reuseful again
                   b-orange one:
                      will it be useful for explosive in somewhere

           <10> useless-
                   a-mangled cage ??
                   b-rotten chest ??
                   c-steel box ??
                   d-perfect rose ??
                   e-all books except white book ??
                   f-red cake, orange cake ??
                   g-wooden club ??
                   h-elvish sword ??

           <11> items-
                   a-brass lantern: lit the dark places
                   b-elvish sword: a weapon?
                   c-teapot: filled wwith water to pour in bucket
                   d-letter opener: to put it in the keyhole
                   e-placemat: to slide it under the door
                   f-newspaper: just read ?
                   g-flask: to see the cakes through it       
                   h-candies: give to lizard
                   i-red cake: evaporate the pool
                   j-green cake: eat it in tea room
                   k-orange cake: explosive if eaten
                   l-blue cake: enlarge        
                   m-red sphere: place on ruby stand
                   n-blue sphere: place on sapphire stand
                   o-clear sphere: place on diamond stand
                   p-mangled cage: ???
                   q-pearl necklace: valuable,other??
                   r-fancy violin: valuable,other??
                   s-steel box: ??
                   t-black string: place in brick
                   u-brick: blow-up with lighted string
                   v-perfect rose: ??
                   w-gold key: valuable,unlock the cobweb door
                   w-crowm: valuable,other??
                   x-all books except white book: ??
                   y-white book: just read it,other??
                   z-flathead stamp: valuable,other??
                   1-zorkmid coins: valuable,other??
                   2-warning card: just read 
                   3-ruby: valuable,other??
                   4-portrait: valuable,other??
                   5-bank paper: just read it
                   6-dragon statue: valuable,other??
                   7-rotten chest: ??
                   8-wooden club: ??
                   9-blue label: just read it      

                   I had made 321 pts out of 400 pts {total} so far.

    In zork III:

           <1> staff-
                    a-should I get it from friend
                    b-should I lean on the wooden staff as master does
           <2> chest-
                    a-should it be unlocked by friend
                    b-was it containing only pile of assorted jewels
                    c-is chest valauable
           <3> pile of jewels-
                    a-what I suppose to do about it
                    b-is it a good plan to kill friend by master to get
                    pile instead of killing friend by myself or just
                    take pile in differnet way

           <4> sun{flames}-
                    a-where does the sun occur
                    b-what to do with it
           <5> strange key-
                    a-which door will the key unlock or lock
                    b-is key useful
                   c-why is the strange key changable 
          <6> book-
                   a-cannot find the book
                   b-where it could be found
                   c-need book which is the only left to bring at dungeon
                   entrance while knock the wooden door where the old man
                   have been waiting until I am ready.
           <7> woman-
                  a-where is she
           <8> broken timber-
                  a-what it used for
           <9> flathead ocean-
                  a-is there any direction to enter the ocean
                  b-is there any valauble in he ocean
           <10> time machine-
                  a-is the only dial number to be turned 776 to push
                  b-which room should the time machine be {push button}
                  c-how to take the ring and others from the cage from the 
                  past time to present time
                  d-should the ring placed underneath the seat in time
                  e-can the time machine be moved to other rooms than just
                    three rooms without breaking it while pushing it
                    throughtout the different rooms
                  rooms without breaking it while pushing it throughout 
                  the different rooms
           <11> ring-
                  a-how to get it
           <12> dungeon master-
                  a-where should he stay {north corridor}?
                  b-what can I ask him
           <13> bronze door-
                  a-where is it?
                  b-is the strange key right one to unlock it
           <14> pit-
                  a-where is it?
                  b-is it the same as hole in puzzle room
           <15> hole-
                  a-how to escape from the hole
                  b-what I am supposed to do in the hole
           <16> steel door-
                  a-how to open it

           <17> rope-
                  a-is there anyway to untie the rope

           <18> friend-
                  a-what can I do about him
           <19> knocking at the wooden door at dungeon entrance with:
                                      d-strange key
                                      e-ring {but how to get it}
                                      f-golden amulet
                                      g-book {but where is it}

           <20> useless-
                 a-empty vial
                 c-warning note
                 d-broken timber
                 e-pile of assorted jewels
           <21> items-
                 a-brass lantern: lit the dark places
                 b-waybread: give it to old hungry man
                 c-chest: ??
                 d-vial: contain invisible liquid
                 e-invisible: drink it then go walk through the gruards
                 f-sword: weapon fighting with the hooded
                 g-golden amulet: one of the thing that master have
                 h-repellent can: spray on me in dark places
                 i-broken timber: ??
                 j-strange key: one of the things that master have
                 k-staff: one of the things that master have
                 l-cloak: one of the things that master have
                 m-hood: one of the things that master have
                 n-warning note: ??
                 o-pile of jewel: ??
                 p-torch: lit the dark places

           <22> points-
                 I had made 6 pts out of 7 pts {total} so far

   Sorry about sooooooooo long !!!!!!!!!
  Please mail me .... just mail botte..