[net.games] Adventure

caf (02/24/83)

I have been playing adventure for several years now and can
only get so far before an apparent stalemate occurs.
I would appreciate a phone call from someone who is familiar
with the game and knows the ins and outs of it.
Clark Friedrichs (312) 979-4328, ihnss!caf

caf (02/25/83)

Thanks to everyone for the help.
The problems have been solved.
Clark friedrichs, ihnss!caf, (312) 979-4328

david@fisher.UUCP (David Rubin) (03/27/84)

	A not overly explicit *hint* for exploring the region beyond
the plover room would be greatly appreciated.

					David I. Rubin

gleason@asgmka.DEC (Daryl Gleason, MKO1-2/G37, 264-2545) (03/29/84)

Try saying "PLOVER" at Y2.

				*** Daryl Gleason ***

hebass@uiucuxc.UUCP (03/31/84)

uiucuxc!hebass    Mar 30 14:00:00 1984

	The way to eget to the PLOVER room is through Y2....

djm@ariel.UUCP (D.MORGAN) (05/21/84)

Can someone *PLEASE* give me a subtle hint to the whereabouts of the
pirates treasure (other than it is in a maze).

				Tom Morgan


bjb@whuxle.UUCP (05/21/84)

whuxle!bjb    May 21 14:07:00 1984

drop it

wolpert@hpisla.UUCP (08/12/84)

Nf-From: hpisla!wolpert    Aug 27 12:58:00 1984

re: Adventure: finding the pirate's chest

You do *not* have the maze entirely mapped.

There is a room which has a passage leading NW.

from the pit: E, then NW.

larry@hpfclp.UUCP (larry) (08/17/84)

Have you mapped out *both* mazes ?

Larry Fenske

superman@ihuxp.UUCP (Mike Carper) (08/22/84)

There are faint rustling noises from the darkness behind you.

I am having trouble finding the Pirtate's treasure chest in the maze.
I have the maze all mapped out, but cannot locate the chest and I am
really stumped at this point.  I would appreciate hints, clues, etc.,
but would really like an answer!

Anybody adventurous enough to reply?

Mike Carper  (...!ihnp4!ihuxp!superman)

rcpilz@ihuxj.UUCP (R. C. Pilz) (08/23/84)

To get the treasure chest back from the pirate, the following
sequence will get you there. I am referencing the first move
after you are in the maze.
Then take treasure
A quick way out of the maze is the following:
then do your xyzzy to drop off the goodies.
OK? If that doesn't do it, they rewrote it on me.
From the keeper of the map..........ihuxj!rcpilz

lps@ihu1g.UUCP (lps) (08/23/84)

For the treasure chest to be there, the pirate has to have taken
something from you.

gwyn@brl-tgr.ARPA (Doug Gwyn <gwyn>) (08/28/84)

The pirate's chest does not exist until you spot the pirate.
There are two mazes; make sure you're searching the right one.
Also, try all diagonal directions (e.g. SW) in all rooms.

iv@trsvax.UUCP (09/09/84)

trsvax!iv    Sep  8 20:07:00 1984

WARNING:  This gives away a detail on how to accompish something in the
game "adventure" (Colossal Cave).  Don't keep reading if you do not wish
to be spoiled...

Why is it that one must leave the magazines at "Witt's End" to get
one, lousy, point?  I don't understand (or are you supposed to?)

				IV  (aka John Elliott IV)
				Tandy Systems Software; Fort Worth, TX

gwyn@brl-tgr.ARPA (Doug Gwyn <gwyn>) (09/21/84)

The final point was meant to drive you nuts trying to figure it out,
that's all.

lyle@sjuvax.UUCP (lyle) (10/16/84)

	Is there anyone out there who can give me a clue to my problem
	with adventure. When I want to cross the bridge I have to give
	something to the troll each time. Is there anyway of getting
	around him ? I know that the bear on the golden chain will 
	scare him away but since he is on the other side of the bridge
	he is no help. If anyone can give me any clues they would be
	greatly appreciated. Also any clues on the game itself would be
	helpful, since I just started playing.

					Thanks alot in advance,

						Wayne Lyle

/sjuvax/lyle/cosmic muffin/

jona@clyde.UUCP (Jon Allingham) (10/19/84)

I'm not going to give it away as that is part of the idea behind adventure, 
I will give a hint on crossing the bridge:
Think about the golden eggs. If you haven't found them, you need to.

Pay attention to the hints. They are cryptic and misleading, but they
actually do contain important information.

                                      Jon Allingham
                                      AT&T Bell Labs, Whippany NJ
PS. I know what I'm talking about, I
    spent a while trying to figure out
    the hints and can get max points.