[net.games] Wizardry I

cmoore@amdimage.UUCP (chris moore) (02/05/85)

There is a "bug" in some of the earlier versions of Wizardry I
(maybe all versions).  This is a way of getting a huge number
of HP free.  (If you don't like cheating at Wizardry, hit 'n' now)

It's been a while since I've done this, so I may not get it exactly
right, but first you have to create a Bishop (so he can Identify things)
I think he has to be about level 2 or 3 to do an Identify.  Now, 
take him into the maze, and say identify.  You are given a choice of
which item (1-8) or 0 for nothing.  Ever wonder what happens if you
hit 9?  You get about 1000000 Experience points!  This only works if
he is under 1000000, so it only works once, unless you manage to get
him back below 1000000 and do it again.  As I said, I think this
only works in earlier versions, but if you have an old version and want
to cheat (or just want to see if it works) give it a try.


"My system is so slow we don't use 'who' anymore - it's faster to
 walk around the building and count the users."

 Chris Moore (408) 749-4692
 UUCP: {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra}!amdcad!amdimage!cmoore

gs@mit-eddie.UUCP (Gordon Strong) (04/03/85)

Does anyone have a list of monsters and/or treasure available
in Wizardry I (IBM-PC version, if that matters)?  I am 
interested in knowing what stats and special attacks the
various monsters have.  Thanks.

Gordon Strong
{decvax!genrad, ihnp4}!mit-eddie!gs