[net.games] Knight of Diamonds help wanted

gwyn@brl-tgr.ARPA (Doug Gwyn <gwyn>) (04/08/85)

I have all the clues on the 6th level of Knight of Diamonds
but haven't been able to puzzle out the answer to the
riddle of the Sphinx.  The obvious things haven't worked.
Hints or outright answers would be appreciated.
	decvax!brl-bmd!gwyn	gwyn@brl.arpa

stanly@unmvax.UUCP (04/10/85)

> I have all the clues on the 6th level of Knight of Diamonds
> but haven't been able to puzzle out the answer to the
> riddle of the Sphinx.  The obvious things haven't worked.
> Hints or outright answers would be appreciated.
> 	decvax!brl-bmd!gwyn	gwyn@brl.arpa

You sure you want the answer?

Send me mail . . . I   L O V E  mail

          Josh Siegel


   Stanly Steinberg
   Department of Mathematics and Statistics
   University of New Mexico 
   Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131
