[net.games] Enchanter

ethan@utastro.UUCP (Ethan Vishniac) (09/29/85)

Thanks to all who sent me mail hinting (or telling me flat out)
what I was doing wrong.  I got the idea and have since defeated
the warlock Krill.

"Superior firepower is an      Ethan Vishniac
 important asset when          {charm,ut-sally,ut-ngp,noao}!utastro!ethan
 entering into                 ethan@astro.UTEXAS.EDU
    negotiations"              Department of Astronomy
                               University of Texas

punch@osu-eddie.UUCP (12/27/85)

From: punch (William F. Punch)

I have been struggling with this for some time now and, since this is old 
stuff to this net, decided to swallow my pride and ask for some help. How do
you solve any of the following
1) Get anything useful from the turtle (talking to him has yielded nothing)
2) Open the egg (do you have to try all 120 combinations)
3) Talk to the adventurer in the mirrored halkl
4) Open the sealed box
5) Get out of the cell if you get caught
Seems like a long list, but any help (spoiler or otherwise) would be appreciated
					>>>Bill Punch<<<

   There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands.
   You seek problems because you need their gifts   --- R.Bach