scott@utcs.uucp (Scott Campbell) (02/27/86)
I'm stuck. I have 225/400 points and I don't know what to do. I have been to all the places by turning on the drive (speadboat,whale, party,...) and have collected all 4 fluffs and have put them in the flowerpot an da little sprout has appeared. I would like to ask the following questions: -how do I grow the plant? -how do I get the black particle from the war r chamber and do I use that to open the screen door? -do I drink the tea at the end? I would very much appreciate if someone would answer my questions and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. This way I can do some work and not play this game all the time. Thanks alot....... -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Evan Kyriazopoulos ... ihnp4!utzoo!utcs!utcdfa!s1001011 or my friend at ... utzoo!utcs!scott ... scott@utoronto.bitnet ---------------------------------------------------------------