[net.games] trek bug

avr@purdue.UUCP (Andrew V. Royappa) (03/11/86)

	In our version of "trek" (by Kirk  McKusick,  version 6, 4.2BSD)
it's practically impossible to complete a game.  It always quits without
explanation  in the  middle of a game,  sometimes  leaving a core  file.
Does anyone have a version  which  doesn't  exhibit this  behaviour ?  I
seem to recall querying the author or someone at berkeley connected with
this game a while  back, with the reply  that he was  completely  out of
touch with it. I'd appreciate your help.

					Andrew V. Royappa

			{ihnp4, pur-ee, decvax, ucbvax}!purdue!avr 	UUCP
			avr@mordred					ARPA