purtilo@uiucdcsp.CS.UIUC.EDU (11/13/85)
----->> JUST A REMINDER <<---- Deadline for Call is approaching! * * CALL FOR PAPERS * * ACM SIGPLAN '86 Symposium on * COMPILER CONSTRUCTION * A symposium sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Programming Languages, to be held June 23 - 27, 1986 Hyatt Rickeys Hotel, Palo Alto Authors are invited to submit papers on all aspects of programming language translation. The emphasis of the symposium is on pragmatic techniques and practical experience. Topics of interest include: o solutions to specific language translation problems; o new techniques for compiling specific language families; o techniques for retargetable and rehostable compilers; o code optimization techniques and their practical effect; o compiler generation tools; o measuring and achieving compile time or execution time efficiency; o compiler testing; o compiler aspects of programming environments; o compilation for parallel environments; o intermediate language and syntax tables; o fast compilation techniques and semantics-based compilation. Please send nine (9) copies of an extended summary to the program chairman: Stuart I. Feldman (201) 829-4305 Bell Communications Research 435 South Street - Room 2D-396 Morristown, N. J. 07960 USA Summaries should explain what is new and interesting about the work. Be specific about what has actually been accomplished. The committee will consider the appropriateness, clarity, originality, explained relationship to previous work, practicality, significance and overall quality of each summary. The summary should be 8 to 12 pages, typed double space or typeset 10pt on 16pt. Persons submitting papers from countries in which access to copying machines is difficult may submit a single copy of the summary. December 1, 1985: Summaries must be received by the program chairman. January 27, 1986: Notification of acceptance will be mailed to authors. April 1, 1986: The accepted papers must be received in camera-ready form by the program chairman. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign an ACM copyright release form. Proceedings will be distributed at the symposium and will subsequently be available for purchase from ACM. COMPILER DEMONSTRATIONS AND TUTORIALS ON COMPILATION TECHNIQUES ARE PLANNED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CONFERENCE. ============================================================================= PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Stuart Feldman (Chair) Christopher Fraser Bell Communications Research University of Arizona Robert Henry Paul Hilfinger University of Washington UC Berkeley Bernard Lang Ravi Sethi INRIA Rocquencourt AT&T Bell Laboratories Guy Steele Kenneth Zadeck Thinking Machines IBM Yorktown GENERAL CHAIRMAN: LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS: John R. Sopka Polle T. Zellweger Digital Equipment Corp. Xerox PARC ZKO 2-1 / P05 3333 Coyote Hill Rd 110 Spit Brook Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 Nashua, NH 03062