[net.music] Evicting Kate Bush

horswill@umn-cs.UUCP (07/07/85)

Although I am a Kate Bush fancier, I do think it rather rude to subject the
community at large to large amounts of Kate Bush Trivia, Kate Bush Propaganda,
Kate Bush Steak Knife offers, etc.  It seems rather much to start a Kate Bush
Newsgroup for the twelve people or so who would read it.

Why not simply start a mailinglist?  Those who don't give a damn do not have
to read it, and each time a crazed zelot with missionary syndrome starts
writing about her on the net we can invite him/her to move to the mailinglist.
If people promise not to talk @i(too) much, I might be able to put it on one
of the AI machines here.

Oh well...  Now for my Kate Bush questions (please answer by mail):

Is Kate Bush English or Irish?  (or both)?

What does B.F.P.O. stand for?  I have seen other references to it in British
publications, but they all assume that you know what it stands for.  The
contexts seem to imply Northern Ireland.  None of my friends who have lived
in England can tell me.

I have just restarted reading NetNews(tm) and saw a reference to the Kate Bush
Singles File Video.  I just bought the Audio yesterday and would like to see the
Video (actually, I would like to see any Kate Bush video as I have never seen
any).  Is it available in the U.S.?

Why do so many people refer to her on a first name basis?  I find it somewhat
						Ian Horswill
						University of Minnesota C.S.
