[net.rec.skydive] blast handles - wave of the future

alcmist@ssc-vax.UUCP (Frederick Wamsley) (04/10/84)

just trying to get your attention.  is anybody out there?
			   -fred wamsley

esac@ihuxp.UUCP (Bill Adams) (04/11/84)

Yes, but I think I'm the only one besides yourself.

               Bill Adams     ==>  AT&T Communications  <==
               (312) 979-6267

ajaym@ihu1h.UUCP (Jay Mitchell) (04/12/84)

On no, 3 PEOPLE. This newsgroup is getting too crowded!

ron@brl-vgr.ARPA (Ron Natalie <ron>) (04/12/84)

Everyone else in the group forgot their parachutes on the last jump.


ralph@inuxc.UUCP (Ralph Keyser) (04/12/84)

Not true! There are at least 3 of us.

	This is what you call a low volume newsgroup...

		Ralph Keyser
		AT&T Consumer Products

north@down.UUCP (Professor X) (04/13/84)

you guys are in what we call a "dead newsgroup."
is this the fun part?  are we having fun now?
	professor x

paulb@hcr.UUCP (Paul Bonneau) (04/15/84)

	There are even more if you count the casual  observers.   I  have
	only tried jumping a couple of times and have not yet free-falled
	(free-fell?) so I just sit back and watch this group, only  there
	hasn't been much to see.  Are "skydiving" and "Unix" mutually ex-
			Paul R. Bonneau

hamilton@uiucuxc.UUCP (04/25/84)

uiucuxc!hamilton    Apr 25 21:30:00 1984

wow... real explosion of activity here.

at the place where i work (an army r&d lab), we've been trying to form
a 4-way team (the OTHER army team...).  hard as i try, hiring all my
skydiving buddies who can program (and there seem to be a lot of them),
we've never had more than 3 on the staff at the same time.  i think we're
down to 2 now.  they keep graduating and moving away...

	wayne ({decvax,ucbvax}!pur-ee!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!)hamilton
	C15832, Illinois Valley P.C.

jackson@uiuccsb.UUCP (04/26/84)

uiuccsb!jackson    Apr 26 11:23:00 1984

There is another casual observer out here (OH BOY!)

Dan Jackson
UUCP:    {pur-ee!ihnp4}!uiucdcs!uiuccsb!jackson

adm@cbneb.UUCP (05/01/84)

cbnap!cmv    Apr 16 10:57:00 1984

		I didn't even know this newsgrop exsisted!!
		I've done some diving about a year ago (3 static line jumps)
		and am very interested in more, but I can't find anybody
		out here in Columbus to go to... any help?

			...at least there's one more member to the group!

                Craig Votava
                AT&T Bell Laboratories, Columbus
