[net.rec.skydive] DC-3 Exits

kas@hp-pcd.UUCP (kas) (04/12/85)

     As before, I'm forwarding this for Dane Meyer.  I'll relay any replies
to him that are posted on the net.
                                     Ken Scofield
Subject: DC-3 exits
Cc: meyer
Status: RO

  Keep those articles coming ... I'm glad to see folks getting into the
spirit of things.  The comments made lately have all been very accurate --
no rebuttals yet.  I'm heading out of town this weekend -- but hope to air
out my body the following weekend.

  I do have one thing I would like to get a little feedback on.  I am not
(any longer) an "every weekend" jumper as I make about 50 jumps a year.
And those jumps are made from relatively small aircraft (182, 206, Beaver).
But, I do make a point to go to the nationals each year at Muskogee to jump
the lovely DC-3's.  So, not having much practice getting out of these devils,
I personally have found it difficult to get a good clean exit from them when
I am 3 or 4 folks away from the door.  When everybody skootches together good
and tight, I am just not able to get my head down (and feet up) quick enough
to lay nicely on the prop-blast.  Many times I find myself just outside the
door in no-man's-land -- and the result is to "windmill" back toward the
relative wind.  Lotsa time is lost by the time I turn around and boogie
down to the formation (or the 12 1-man's on inexperienced loads).  So, OK
you hot DC-3 freaks -- how's 'bout some tips on how to get some CLEAN
exits out of Mr. Douglas when you are between 4th and 7th out?  I have found
that things are not quite so crowded when you are way back there -- a quick
dive will get the job done.  Also, getting out early hasn't posed a problem.
But those dern 4th-7th slots ...

Dane Meyer  D-8076, CCR-735     (Dallas)
ARPA:   ==> Meyer%waltz%TI-CSL@CSNET-Relay                       
CSNET:  ==> Meyer@TI-CSL                                                     

brent@phoenix.UUCP (Brent P. Callaghan) (04/15/85)

I can't recall having a problem with 4th - 7th slots.
My shakiest slot was always front floater from the DC3.
That was where I had trouble placing myself on the
prop blast.

If I close my eyes and try to recall how I exit at 4th - 7th
I can almost see and feel it...

I'm in a "spoon" configuration with my buddies in front and
rear of my in the lineup.  You're right - it doesn't allow
you to set yourself up much before you get to the door.
You just chug along with everyone else.  I put my left hand
on top of the reserve of the guy in front and try to keep it
resting there right through the exit.  We tilt forward out
the door like a pack of cards falling over - nice and tight.

I guess it helps me lie on the prop blast - the left side of 
my body gets blanketed by the body in front.  I separate
into my own air a couple of seconds after exit.  I've
certainly never interfered with anybody's exit by doing this.

I DO know that I'm very conscious of forcing my right arm
upwards and out into the blast.
I think my right hand leads the rest of me out the door.
I get a firm grip on the air and it has an immediate effect.
It should be a piece of cake once you get it right.
There's just sooo MUCH air to play with!  I have more trouble
with SLOW exits (especially helicopters (FarOut!!)).
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