[net.rec.skydive] Idiot-proofing belly bands

alcmist@ssc-vax.UUCP (Frederick Wamsley) (04/16/85)

Tacking a belly band to the harness is an effective way to prevent 
the common mistakes (twisting and misrouting).  I prefer a different
method which works as well, but leaves you with more adjustability
in the harness.

What you do is sew a piece of tape on the inside of the belly band, going
around behind the main lift web.  In other words, the main lift web runs
*between* the belly band and the tape.  This setup has been tested on a 
geek who had managed *two* twisted belly bands in his career.  He couldn't
find a way to screw it up.

In case my description wasn't clear, when your rigger gets done you will 
have a belly band free to move an inch or two along its own length, but
impossible to run under the harness and much harder to twist.

My favorite way of putting on a rig with a belly band is to hook up the 
belly band last, grabbing it where it meets the container and running my hand
up to the buckle.

Oh, yes, my favorite pilot chute location is the front of the legstrap.
(How come we never hear from the people who like bunnytails?).

Platitude of the week:  always check your gear, no matter how user-friendly 
it is.

Fred Wamsley
UUCP:{ihnp4,decvax}!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!alcmist ARPA:ssc-vax!alcmist@uw-beaver
It's not my employer's fault if I say something absurd.