bergstrom@ozone.DEC (08/09/85)
FOR SALE: Both because I have a new Nimbus/Racer and because I am no longer jumping that frequently, I would like to sell my old rig. It is a Body Flight harness and container with a 26' Navy reserve in excellent condition and an old Paraflite paraplane cloud. I put close to 400 jumps on this rig without a malfunction, and its previous owner, Vic Thompson, put over 600 jumps on it, also without a malfunction. It is somewhat heavier and bulkier than the newest stuff, but still quite jumpable and reliable. Also, it is cheap - $450. I was going to hold on to it as a backup, but at the rate I'm jumping now, I don't need a backup. Anyway, if anyone out there needs a first rig, or knows someone who does, please contact me at: P.O. Box 3447 Framingham, MA 01701 617-467-2397 (work) 617-877-5523 decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-ozone!bergstrom Bob Bergstrom D-8598 OZONE::BERGSTROM NIMBUS::BERGSTROM