[net.games.frp] flaws of D&D

kramer (06/17/82)

I would like to see a lot more discussion of the details of games
and particularly their flaws and how other games correct them.
What are the objectional charateristics of the clerics in AD&D?

tihor (06/18/82)

To get the ball rolling I would say that the most significant flaw with
D&D/AD&D clerics is that lack of relationship between the god worshiped
and the spells available.  With the exception of Druids no other group
of clerics has access to a set of spells appropriate to their faith.
Even the AD&D level of god/level of spells available trick when combined
with an appropriate set of bonuses/penalties for "renewing" appropriate/
inappropriate spells is sufficient since the basic spell list is too restrictive.
Without sitting down and trying to analyze the list in detail the basic flaw i
that they are still the Medic with a list containing an everything and the
kitchen sink collection of spells based on "every miracle ever recorded" by
the Catholic Church and some of the more inventive hagiographers.  Off hand
I would say that it is better than the original list in this regards but
not that much.