felix (07/02/82)
My first impression about Morrow Project is that it's a game in which you go out to do your best (intellegently) to help people instead of wondering around in a dungeon and let greed has the better of you. It is a game that requires a strong leader (not the type saying "Eh, I'll do this...no, I'll do that...no, I'll do this...") and quick decision much resembling a military operation. Leadership and common sense plays an equally important role in this game. An example of bad playing is as follows: once our team ran across a normal farm house which obviously had been sacked recently. Our great team leader told us to throw a tear gas grenade into the house and THEN try to make friend with the poor people left inside the house... Remember, MP is not AD&D type game (run around, hack and slash, and collect treasures as you go), it has a very definite objectiive to be accomplished and all efforts should tend towards that end. Combat is extremely lethal in MP and should be avoided if possible. Each character has an equal chance of dying after being shot. There is no character class and the rather silly idea of hit points. There is also no resurrec- tion, once a PC dies, he dies forever.