Physics:luz (07/08/82)
I am looking for approximately 3 to 7 gamers to play on a trial Play-By-Net {very similair to play-by-mail campaigns except less time delay} that I am attempting to start. See the article posted yesterday {July 7, 1982} for theories behind the idea. If interested or wanting to give suggestions, please respond to: /sb/luz at pur-phy I will appreciate any input; constructive or destructive. Lonnie Van Zandt III {luz}
perelgut (07/09/82)
I cannot seem to get through to the link Physics:luz 1) Can someone give me a path that will work (and explain why this one won't) 2) I would like to play the PBNet AD&D --- stephen perelgut --- --- decvax!utzoo!utcsrgv!perelgut ---