[net.games.frp] PBN Adventures

Physics:luz (07/15/82)

	As of this time, 11 players have been chosen by a first come
first serve basis. This is really more than enough for the first game.
The interest was greater than I thought it would be and there was
little opposition to the general idea. My world, if I have enough time
to get it running, will be an AD&D Adventure for that is what I DM.
	Several people have suggested other games such as Warpwar and
Time Traveller as alternatives. Others have mentioned that they would
be willing to DM a PBN Adventure in such-and-such a game. I suggest
that these people post their notices on net.games.frp because I am
turning away many more people than I accepted. {By the way, I will post
[again] the final player list soon} If one does not hear from me or
see their path on the player list, then they aren't playing.
	I am sorry to refuse so many people, but letting everyone play
would overwhelm me...

			Lonnie Van Zandt

P.S. : Feel free to send me any ideas or feelings you might have...

P.S.S : Would the people who know that they are players please write
me a short letter acknowledging that they know they are playing.