[net.games.frp] Boskone Party

marks (02/14/83)

	I run a FRP APA/magazine THE WILD HUNT. Friday night at Boskone
(a Boston area SF convention at the Park Plaza Hotel, Boston Feb 18-21)
my eighth annual FRP/APA party will take place, probably starting
around 9-10 PM in my room. (After I see an hour or two of the
Masquerade.) See me, one of the other FRP APA people such as
John Sapienza or Lee & Barry Gold, or check for the
announcement down on the Bulletin Board. The party may also be
refered to as "Geo's Lowest Inn": anyone wearing an "Eat at Geo's"
button after 6PM will probably know where it will be.

	Readers are invited on my assumption that net.games.frp is more
or less an FRP apa (albeit one that could use an editor.) Bringing
along snacks or non-alcoholic drinks is allowable though assuredly
not required. I will supply beer & wine,... No hard liquor nor
smoking (of anything) allowed. Note that this is a party, intended
for conversation, meeting people, etc. It is not an expedition nor
intended as a place to grab a quick beer before heading for the real
fun.  The over loud, the obnoxious, would be martial arts demonstrators,
people currently roleplaying "chaotic evils", bomb out cases, and
similar low lifes will be cheerfully bounced. Hope to see the rest
of you.

			Mark Swanson
