[net.games.frp] Magic Charts

fnews@stolaf.UUCP (06/18/83)

	As with many of my charts, the following may contain material
	released elsewhere.  I have lost track of what is original and
	what is not.  I will try and answer questions mailed to me regarding
	these charts.  Also note, I do not hold these charts as god, if you
	think that a result is real silly and cannot see how it could have
	happened, throw it out.  Any improvements or new ideas will be

				-Paul R Borman
				 St. Olaf College
	NOTE ADDRESS -->         ihnp4!stolaf!agnes!paul


			Magic Items

Roll Table				Sword Blades

01-20  Sword				01-15  Bastard
21-35  Armor				16-45  Broad
36-40  Misc. Weapon			46-55  Short
41-65  Potion				56-95  Long
66-85  Scroll				96-98  Two Handed
86-90  Rings				   99  Great
91-95  Wands/Staffs/Rods		   00  Unusual
96-00  Misc. Magic
				All swords have a 05% chance of a Special
				Ability (+10% if Int.,  +05% if Purpose)

Weapons-Armor				Damage Adj.

Roll      Bonus	Purpose Intelligence	Roll       Bonus
01-55     +1      00%       00%		01-50       +1
56-65     Cursed  10%       20%		51-80       +2
66-80     +2      05%       05%		81-95       +3
81-89     +3      15%       10%		96-00/01-50 +4
90-99     Unusual 20%       15%		00/51-99    +5
00/01-65  +4      20%       20%		00/91-00    +6
00/66-00  +5      25%       35%

Unusual Blades				Special Abilities (Add to bonus & dam.)

01-10  Foil				01-10  +2 vs Magic Using/Enchanted
11-20  Epee				11-15  +3 vs Lync/Shape Shifters
21-30  Sabre				16-22  +3 vs Regenerating Creatures
31-50  Cutlass				23-27  +3 vs Reptiles
51-55  Main Gauche			28-30  Flame Tounge
56-70  Rapier				       +2 vs Regenerating Creatures
71-90  Scimitar				       +3 vs Cold Using/Inflamable
91-92  Crystal				             Avian Creatures
93-96  Samurai-Katana			       +4 vs Undead
96-00  Samurai-Wakashi			31-36  Luck Blade (1D4 + to ALL Save)
					37-46  +2 Giant Slayer (Roll Type)
Armor Table				47-60  +2 Dragon Slayer (Roll Type)
					61-69  Frost Brand, +6 vs Fire Using
01-10  Helm				70-71  +4 Defender (Ignore Bonuses from
11-25  Shield				          above)
26-90  Armor				72-75  +5 Holy Advenger (Ignore Bonuses
91-00  Horse Barding				  from above)
					76-78  Dancing
Helm Type				79-85  Wounding
					86-95  Berserking
01-04  Cloth-Padded			96-99  Sharpness
05-09  Leather				   00  Life Stealing
   10  Saxon
11-12  Roman				Shield Material
13-18  Full
19-20  Great				01-20  Leather
					21-30  Hide
Shield Type				31-45  Wood
					46-70  Banded
01-20  Small				71-85  Plated
21-85  Medium				86-00  Metal
86-95  Large
96-00  Kite

Armor Type				Horse Barding

01-05  Cloth				01-15  Chain
06-15  Leather-Standard			16-25  Ring
16-25         -Studded			26-35  Link
26-30         -Laqured			36-64  Leather-Studded
31-45  Chain				65-74         -Laquered
46-52  Link				75-84         -Laquered
53-60  Ring				85-91  Cloth-Standard
61-70  Banded				92-00       -Padded
71-80  Scale
81-89  Plate
90-98  Gauntlets-Leather
99-00           -Mesh


01-10  Rods                      (25 charges +/- 1D20)
11-25  Staves  8th level/effect  (50 charges +/- 1D20)
26-00  Wands   6th level/effect  (100 charges +/- % dice)

Wands Table				Rods Table

01-03  Conjuration			01-04  Absorbtion
04-09  Enemy Detection			05-07  Beguiling
10-16  Fear				08-12  Cancellation
17-25  Fireball				13-14  Lordly Might
26-32  Frost				15-16  Healing  3D10/Day, C/D
33-40  Illumination			   17  Rulership
41-43  Illusion				18-20  Smiting
44-49  Lightning Bolt
50-56  Magic Detection			Staves Table
57-63  Metal Detection
64-68  Mineral Detection		01-04  Command
69-75  Magic Missles			       Clerics - 3 powers
76-81  Negation				       Mages - 2 powers
82-86  Paralization			05-09  Curing  C
87-90  Polymorphing			   10  Magi  M
91-93  Secret Door Location		   11  Power  M
94-97  Traps Detection			12-15  Serpant
   98  Life Stealing (9 lvl drain)	       01-60  Python  C
99-00  Wonder				       61-00  Adder  Evil C
					16-18  Striking
					19-20  Withering