[net.games.frp] Copyrighting a net article

pugh@cornell.UUCP (William Pugh) (09/28/83)

published over the net?  I would like to submit some longer
articles from a FRPG I am working on.  However, if they are
not copyrighted, anyone can publish them.       
   I realize that you can't copyright ideas, and I'm not trying
to stop net readers from printing out copies of my articles. But
I would prefer somesort of protection against someone publishing
my work. 
   If you have any ideas or comments on this, mail them to me and I'll
post a summary of what I get.

     Bill Pugh

lute@abnjh.UUCP (J. Collymore) (09/30/83)

I'm not certain, but I believe that you should probably write to the Library
of Congress and request a Copyright Form TX (text).  What you probably should
do is, run off a hard copy of your article before you post it, then send in
the article, Form TX (and 10 dollar fee) to the Library of Congress to register
the article.  Once it has been a day in the mail, THEN post your article to the
net.  You will then have a jump on any plagerists out on the net.

I would also recommend that when you write the LC, you give them a full query
of your concerns and situation.  This would probably be the most direct way
to get your question answered.

							Jim Collymore