[net.games.frp] People have been asking, so here come the NPC's

steven@qubix.UUCP (Steven Maurer) (10/06/83)

From the files of Steven Maurer.                           Mesg #1

Copyright (C) Steven Maurer, Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

Notes:  All stats are given in Arcenguild [Ar-Ken-Guild] (my own system);
	decoding the system is left up to the referee.
	Runequest notes are provided in parenthesis ().
	AD&D notes are provided in curly brackets { }.
	All spelling mistakes are purely intentional.

Name:  Amarie [Ah-mahr-ee]

    Amarie is a wiry, brown haired, woman, of about 45 dachs (~= 29 years).
From her appearence, she is obviously a Cinnerbian (characteristic facial
structure), but is not particularly good looking.  Her manner is cautious
but sure, (she appears to be a seasoned armsman).  If any character is in a
position to find out, they can find old healed-over lash marks on her thighs,
buttocks, and back.

    Born a dockside workers daughter, Amarie was badly mistreated by her
father, and then her husband.   Due to her (apparent) barrenness, she was
disowned by that same husband on their 3rd year of marrage.  Having no
support, she sailed to Balthlazar and took up employment as a caravan guard.
Strangely enough, she was so successful at this trade, that she worked off
her indenture (for the trip) in record speed.   She is now looking for
employment on a more profitable venture.

    Amarie is quiet until provoked, but when that happens, she transforms
into a savage fighter.  She does not give quarter, but is reluctant to
fight women.  Luckly for her, Balthlazar bandits are rarely female.  



STR  13     Hits: 13        { Armor below is about AC 4 / HTK about 35 }
CON  14     Armor: H(5/4) LA(2/4) RA(2/4) CH(4/4) AB(4/4) LL(5/3) RL(5/3)
SIZ  12     APct:    90%    100%     97%     85%     96%     79%     80%
INT  16
SPRT  9     Greatsword  6th lvl (70%)      Bind Wound  2nd lvl (30%)
WIL  17     Bastard sw  5th lvl (60%)      Negotiate   3rd lvl (40%)
DEX  16     Desert Bow  8th lvl (90%)      Wild. Lore  3rd lvl (40%)
AGL  15     Tracking    3rd lvl (40%)      City Lore   5th lvl (60%)
APP   8     See Enem.   4th lvl (50%)      Armoring    1st lvl (20%)
CHA  14     Hear Enem.  4th lvl (50%)

	    Amarie has no spells.