[net.games.frp] Another NPC.....

steven@qubix.UUCP (Steven Maurer) (10/18/83)

From the files of Steven Maurer.                           Mesg #2

Copyright (C) Steven Maurer, Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

Notes:  All stats are given in Arcenguild [Ar-Ken-Guild] (my own system);
	decoding the system is left up to the referee.
	Runequest notes are provided in parenthesis ().
	AD&D notes are provided in curly brackets { }.
	All spelling mistakes are purely intentional.

Name:  AKh~ur [a-Kch-Huor] Lord of Darkness, Elf-reaver, etc., etc., etc.

    AKhur is the goblin king of Lune Mountains.  His titles are many, various,
mostly false, so they won't be recounted here.  He is a typical goblin king,
replendishant in grimy stolen finery.  As with all goblins, he trusts no
one not to steal from him while he is away, so most of his personal fortune
is kept in small items on his person.  Because of this, he walks with an audible
gingling noise, sometimes leaving a trail of lesser coinage (no one dares to
pick them up in his presence).  He has a typical goblin coutenence, being
slope-browed, pointed-eared, and heavy jawed, but is rather large for
goblin-kind (as befits a king).  He is about 36 dachs old (~= 24 years).

    AKhur ascended to the throne in typical goblin fashon: He was both a
member of the goblin nobility, and managed to assasinate his predecessor.
Since that time (about 9 dachs ago), AKhur has been a constant force of
improvement on the goblins under his dominion, making them more diciplined
and less corrupt.  While this is good for goblins, it hardly is good for
the humans of Zanzibar; they have endured continued goblin harassment,
and because of such the price of mercenaries has almost doubled in recent
dachs.  (Not to worry, though. It is rumored that some of the Goblin
Nobility who were on the recieving end of corruption, are planning to make
AKhur take a drastic downfall...)

    AKhur, like all Goblin kings, is by tradition allowed only one weapon
for defense against any noble assasination attempts.  He is, as well,
surrounded by about 50 of the Goblin High Guard (q.v. eventually).  This
guard is not there to prevent assasination attempts by royalty, but rather
to guard AKhur's life against any non-royal members from killing him.
(Grave political consequences result for goblin society when a king is
assasinated by a serf or (horror of horrors) a human).

    In a related story, there is a standing 10,000 Golden Crown reward
for the head (or proof of death) of AKhur, set out by the Royal Proctor of
Zanzibar.  This is ironic, because AKhur is the first goblin king in over
a centurium (100 dachs; centurium ~= 70 years) who is at all lenient on any
humans captured.  If an adventurer hasn't killed royalty, he can be ransomed
for the paltry sum of his weight in copper.  (SIZ x 100 copper pieces).

(RQ Note: A Golden Crown is worth about 2 Wheels, a copper is about a Lunar)
{D&D: A Golden Crown is worth about 50 GP, a copper is about electrum piece}



STR  13     Hits: 13        { Armor below is about AC -3 / HTK about 60 }
CON  19     Armor: H(9/9) LA(9/9) RA(9/9) CH(9/9) AB(9/9) LL(9/9) RL(9/9)
SIZ  10     APct:   100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
INT  14
SPRT 16     Greatsword 10th lvl (100%)     Intrigue  11th lvl (110%)
WIL  11     Hide        8th lvl (80%)      Negotiate   3rd lvl (40%)
DEX  13     Sneaking    4th lvl (40%)      Tactics    6th lvl  (60%)
AGL  18     Ultra-Vision 7th lvl           Linguist (Zanzib.) 3rd lvl (30%)
APP   6                                    Linguist (Cinib.)  6th lvl (60%)
CHA  14                                    (native language is goblin-tounge)


Ragefire  1 {somewhat like burning hands, but must hit in hand-to-hand combat}
Swordsharp 4 (Like bladesharp, but its effects is to reduce the armor protection
	     the blade hits against)
Body Curse 3 (BC 1 is a mosquito bite, BC 2 is poison oak, BC 3 is a nosebleed)
Spell Blunt 2 (removes 2 levels off of the next incoming spell)


AKhur, as King of the Goblins, has the standard pact with
Zakobra [Zah-ko-brah], the god {demon} of goblin royalty.
This gives him 2 supernatural powers: 1) A guardian spirit
of Zakobra named Hhelb~ur (magiced into a sword), and the
Curse of Zahkobrah thrown on any non-royal assasin.

Hhelb~ur: Demon Blade; INT 12, SPRT 36, WIL 8; Spirit
Drain 2d6 (Like RQ Ghost) {Like D&D Wight}, Chopper 8 (+8 to hit,
+8 damage like a permanent Bladesharp 8 on), Invulnerablilty
10 (+10 to Weapon HP), Willforce 2 (2% chance for Limited Wish)
[Hhelbur is a two-edged obsidian greatsword]

Curse of Zahkobrah:  The personage directly responsible for the
death of a Goblin king comes under the effects of this curse,
unless he is crowned goblin king within a fortnight.  It causes
the victim to loose all sense of danger, chalenging them to take
on deadly tasks.  (The victim of this curse would take on Orcus
bare-handed).  Note that for purposes of deflection and resistance,
this curse can be treated as a Soul Curse 20.