[net.games.frp] Traveller Campaign Reports

marie@nmtvax.UUCP (11/01/83)


While waiting for our ships to be built on Maq, we had our armor
repaired, because it was somewhat charred from our reentry on
Ruqq, and the ablative reentry equipment needed replacement.
	When we were traveling through the city on our way to pick
up our repaired armor, we had a run in with a group of eight
escaped convicts.  The law level on this planet required that we
carry no weapons what so ever, but these convicts had procured
pistols from guards in their escape.  They also outnumbered us,
we had seven men and they had eight.  We ran into the nearest
building, which happened to be a drinking establishment.  The
convicts came after us and immediately shot down two of us and the
rest of us grabbed the nearest weapon; chairs, bottles, or some
poor scum who looked like he'd make a good club.  The convicts
had pistols, but we were stronger and it was close in fighting.
There were three of us standing when it was over, and all of us
had to spend some time in a hospital.  We killed the convicts.  
	After we got out of the hospital, we were hanging out in a
local bar when we were approached by a very large and muscular
man in armor.  He said he was interested in getting us to go back
to Jud to continue our previous mission.  When we refused, he
told us that he had a 3000 ton cruiser at the starport and asked
us to go there so we could talk in private.  My leading sergeant
didn't like this person and was growling and making obscene
gestures.  The man showed us two concealed pistols and
asked the sergeant to shut up.  The sergeant continued this
action and I had the other marines drag him off before we had any
major trouble.  The man tried to convince me to go back to Jud,
but I didn't feel like revisiting the ruins of our 600 million
credit investment.  At this point, approximately 50 marines
entered the establishment and escorted me to their ship.  
	When we got to his cruiser, he told me he wanted me to
attempt to get the ancient books in the religious complex alone,
but equipped with an advanced set of battle dress, which I would
be allowed to keep.  Not being quite as insane as my leading
sergeant, I refused.  He then let me leave.
	As I left the ship, I was followed by several armed men.  I
started to run for my life, and they took a few pot shots at me.
After I had eluded these people, I ran into a group of nine
others who were also armed and armored.  They captured me, but I
had screamed enough to attract about twenty four policemen.  In
the ensuing firefight, I crawled down a sewer and escaped.  I
later discovered that none of the cops survived.
	I was making my way to the starport security building,
because they were better equipped than the local police, and I
might find some facsimile of safety with them.  On the way, I
eluded five other enemy groups, but the sixth caught me.  This
time, the starport cops showed up and chewed up my assailants
while I crawled under a trash bin.  By this time I was beginning
to feel picked on, not to mention paranoid.  The starport police
dragged me out and gave me protection.  
	I told my leading sergeant about the developments over my
suit radio, and told him to try to make it to the starport police
before somebody found him.  He and the five remaining marines
made their way through the city and were able to elude most enemy
groups.  Halfway there, I had a starport squad escort them in.  
	We found out that the man with the 3000 ton cruiser was known
as Lord Almric, the ruler of Jud.  After the cruiser left the
planet, we told the starport police that we were ready to leave,
but the cocky paper-pusher in charge of such things demanded
several thousand Credits for services rendered.  Not wishing to
have problems with the starport authorities, we paid the man and
	We had no trouble on our way back to our apartments, but were
all very paranoid.  We didn't leave our rooms unless necessary
and all carried weapons when possible.  About a week later, the
man who took our money came to give it back, with interest.  It
appeared that his superiors had found out about his little scam. 
Apparently, they had modified his rank, wallet, and face.  
	Soon after the man left, we heard a thud on our door, which
we slowly opened.  On the outside of our door was a hemispherical
object with stenciling on it that said,

						This side toward enemy
	We closed the door very carefully and opened the window, we
were on the twentieth story, too bad.  I called a local Air/Raft
dealer and asked him to deliver one to our window.  He thought I
was joking so I offered to pay double.  He laughed at that, and I
told him about the mine and he could have one too if he didn't
send that air/raft soon.  This time he hung up, forget the window.
	Again we opened the door.  My leading sergeant had a little
electronics training and attempted to defuse the mine.  He played
with it for a while and all that happened was that is started making
strange noises and all the little green lights turned red.  This
looked grim, so he hit it once or twice with the butt of his rifle.
His great skill successfully knocked out the mine.  
	He quickly took it to a local police station while the rest
of us cringed under our beds.  When the cops saw what he had, they
immediately arrested him for possession of it and sent the mine
off to the bomb squad.  He tried to explain, but nobody would
listen, so he started growling and making obscene gestures again.
After several hours of this, he was noticed.  The police called
in a psychologist for the poor man.  The psychologist was
intrigued by the sergeants behavior and took him off to a nut
house for a couple months of a new experimental therapy.  The
rest of us had a nice quiet couple months, while our friend
sampled strange drugs.
	After one of the ships was completed, we moved onto it. 
After a couple weeks a certain 3000 ton cruiser landed at the
starport.  We received a visit from Lord Almric, who we referred
to as Lord Armpit.  
	When he was inside the air lock, we had the computer check
him for weapons, but he was unarmed, so we let him inside.  He
agreed to tell us what his real motivations were if we sent all
the marines out and cut off all communications.  We did so, but
both the sergeant and I kept rifles pointing in his general
	He told us that it was his ambition to gain control of this
subsector, and that he was responsible for the missile base on
Waliya, and for the destruction of the merchant ship that we took 
from Jud to Ruqq, which cause the almost total annihilation of our
mercenary unit.  He said that he wanted us to work for him and
that he would equip our new ships with type seven computers (the
best available) if we would do so.  Out of greed, we agreed.
He went on to say that he wanted us to go back to Jud, and that
our ships were to be used only in his service.  About this time,
the other marines notified us that the Lords men were attaching
an object to the hull of the ship.  
	Not liking these new developments, I aimed my rifle at Lord
Armpit and told our men on the bridge to roast the Lords men with
the ships weaponry.  Over the PA to the outside, I told everybody
to stay at least 100 meters away from the ship or they would
suffer the fate of the men playing with our hull.  
	The Lord backed down on a few points and said we could use
the ships for our own purposes until needed.  He also said that
his ship would turn ours to slag if anything happened to him.
My sergeant started to growl again, but we had to let Lord Armpit
go anyway.  
	Lord Armpit came through with the computers and when the
ships were finished, he let us go off trading until he let us
know otherwise.
	When we left Maq, we worked our way to Ito, then to Rewm,
which was at the edge of a large starcluster.  We traded along
the jump routes through Rewm, Hwik, Ezo, Popyd, Iazeji, Vae, Cur, 
and Uor.  We made large profits through speculation and trade and
were able to commission the building of another 200 ton trader. 
As we finished our trading in the starcluster, we had a little
trouble with a 100 ton Pirate Scout ship.  We didn't think he
would be any trouble because we out-gunned him four to one, but it
came out differently.
	The first hit the scout scored on our second ship destroyed
the computer and effectively crippled the ship.  Our missiles did
minor damage to the enemy ship, but the scout proceeded to knock
out all weapons on our remaining ship.  This ship proceeded to
run away while screaming for help.  The scout called in another
trader and both ships matched vectors with our crippled ship and
boarded it.  Three crewmen were killed and the rest were captured.
	The starport sent out a 400 ton Patrol Cruiser to help us,
but it got there a little late.  The cruiser stopped the enemy
trader but the scout ship was fast enough to get away.  Two more
crewmen were killed by the pirates before the cruisers marines
could take over, but our cargo was saved, and we could always
hire another crew. 
	We docked at the starport and had the ships repaired while we
waited for our third ship to be built.  We now had enough money
to pay off our 600 million credit debt on the ex-mercenary
cruiser, and we still had over 200 million credits for operating
money.   We now intend to recruit another mercenary unit and take
another shot at the merc business.

			To be Continued.......
David Spicer (Lord of the Holy Quadrangle)

Richard Wade, James Watson, Petr Bastar (Victims of the Quadrangle)

P.S.  Any questions, criticisms or comments will be appreciated
and welcome.

rigney@uokvax.UUCP (11/03/83)

uokvax!rigney    Nov  1 09:15:00 1983

Were the Lizards Intelligent?  Genocide for Hire!!!  
You seemed awfully uncaring about the deaths of all those people in
the city, but then, I suppose a mercenary's life is a hard lot.  I
hope you got payed in advance, though, because otherwise it's going
to be hard to collect.

Actually, since the 15 megacredits were for success, and mining is
no longer able to be done on that world, I guess you wouldn't get
payed anyway.

Don't be afraid to personalize these adventures if there are really
names and personalities attached to these bloodthirsty warmongers:-)

My condolences on the death of your comrade, and my expressed best 
wishes on your attempts to forge ownership records of the scoutship.


rigney@uokvax.UUCP (11/03/83)

uokvax!rigney    Nov  1 09:23:00 1983

I very much enjoyed these reports as well; very reminiscent of Space Vikings.
I'm surprised you didn't take over the trader that was carrying you, even
if most of your crew (and I assume your weapons) were locked away.

Why didn't the fanatics on the planet finish you off after you were stranded
at the spaceport; had you killed them all off?  (at this rate its only a matter
of weeks before the sector is lifeless, but at least you'll be rich!)

Keep up the good work.
