lmaher@uokvax.UUCP (06/16/84)
uokvax!lmaher Jun 16 00:24:00 1984
<2 of 7>
I'm letting the readers of net.games.frp decide the outcome of a
pivotal election in my Champions campaign. No knowledge of
Champions is required, all I need is a vote, mailed to me. No
justification is necessary, but it would be fun. If more than
one person wants to vote in a single letter, that's fine.
The Election is for the New York Governor, in 1982, in my
Champions campaign. Your 3 choices are:
Linda Day, Democrat
Robert Stone, Republican
Adam Edwards, Independent
If you're interested enough to want to know any of these people's
stand on a particular issue, write and I'll post or reply if I
can get a straight answer. As well, I've posted articles about
each of them.
I'll also accept votes by USMail, and you can even give them to
me at Origins if you see me there.
I reserve the right to ignore the results if I get less than 20
votes, otherwise I'll accept the decision of the net. So if
you've ever wanted a chance for your vote to really count, this
is for you! I'll accept votes until a week goes by with no more
votes, or July 15, whichever comes LAST. So if you're seeing
this and haven't seen an article listing the winner, you can
still vote.
USMAIL: Carl Rigney
Box 192
Seminole, OK 74868
allegra!{nbires convex ut-ngp}\
ihnp4!{ut-sally convex ut-ngp}/
OR {allegra ihnp4}!duke!uok!uokvax!lmaher