zaphod@mit-eddie.UUCP (Chris Ross) (06/23/84)
Also tired of the way players tend to memorize the DM's guide, I have come up with a few nonstandard items. All of the magic weapons described below are moderately powerful magic, suitable for introduction to campaign characters of about 5th to 9th level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dagger +2, Teleporter This weapon is ideal for magic-users who *hate* having to dance around in melee trying to retrieve a thrown magic dagger (yes, I've seen it done), although it can be wielded by anyone who can user a dagger. It can be thrown twice a round, as per standard rate of dagger fire. At any point in its trajectory, or after it has hit (or missed) the desired target, a snap of the owner's fingers will cause it to teleport back to his hand. It will always appear with the wielder grasping the hilt. Should another person pick up the dagger and grasp it firmly for more than 5 minutes, he will become the effective "owner" of the weapon. Note that the original owner can cause it to teleport out of the other person's hand at any point before the specified time has elapsed. Flail of missiles A flail of missiles will appear as an ordinary footman's flail when found, although a Detect Magic spell will reveal a reasonably strong aura of enchantment. It is a +3 magical weapon, and has the following extra ability: on any round when the wielder is not engaged in melee combat, he can opt to have the ball of the flail detach and strike a target as a missile weapon. The flying ball retains all magical plusses of the weapon. Its hit potential is the same as if it were being used in melee, except that strength bonuses do not apply. Dexterity bonuses, however, apply as they would to any other missile weapon. The maximum range of the flail ball is 18", with all distances in that range considered short (no minuses). Should it strike the target, its damage potential is the same as it would be in melee: (2-7/2-8) + 3. If the target has solid form, the ball will be able to bounce of the target and return to the wielder's flail chain at the end of the round. If the target is non-corporeal, such as a wraith or air elemental, or if the target is missed, the ball will fly beyond and will be delayed, returning on the following round. It will always return, regardless of what the wielder is doing, but will not strike any other target while in the return trajectory. Should the flail and ball become separated by some impassable barrier while the ball is in flight, neither will lose their magical properties, although they are effectively useless as weapons. In this latter situation, the ball will always attempt to return the the chain as long as it is within 60", but does not have the capability to batter down walls or take roundabout paths to do so. Sword of Trollslaying This weapon, when used against most creatures, is a generic +1 sword. Against all regenerating creatures (except trolls), it is +2. Against trolls, the sword is effectively +3. In addition, each successive hit by on a given troll will lower the monster's regenerative powers by one hit point per round; after three hits, a troll can no longer regenerate. Subsequent hits do not cause a degenerative effect. Any troll knocked to less than 0 hit points is permanently dead. If a troll hit by the sword is not killed, it will regain its full regenerative powers in 1-4 turns. Sword of Lycanthrope Slaying Against all non-lycanthropic creatures, this sword is a +1 weapon. Against lycanthropes, its hit/damage potential is +2/+4. In addition, anyone bitten by a lycanthrope while wielding the weapon will have no chance of contracting lycanthropy. The sword can also cure the said condition in any creature, once per week; the affected creature simply grasps the hilt for 1 full round. Note that this may have an interesting effect on a werewolf or like creature attempting to disarm the wielder. Mace of Serious Wounds A mace of Serious Wounds appears to be a normal +1 mace. However, any cleric grasping the weapon will realize it to be something more. In the hands of a cleric, it is +3 to hit and damage. In addition, the weapon contains a magical spell "reservoir" of sorts, containing space for two charges of a Cause Serious Wounds spell. Up to twice per day, the wielder may opt to use one of these charges when striking an opponent in melee. He must declare that a charge is being expended, and if the attack misses, the charge backfires and the wielder takes a d6 of damage. If the charged attack hits, the charge will be drained and the target struck will suffer the effects of a Cause Serious Wounds spell (2d8+1 points of damage), with no saving throw, in addition to the standard weapon damage and the magical bonus! The weapon may be recharged by any cleric capable of casting the spell. As with any type of Cause Wounds spell, clerics of good alignment must take caution in using the special ability of the mace. Bow of instant arrows The wielder of a bow of instant arrows need never carry a quiver; whenever he draws the string, a non-magical arrow will instantly appear in a nocked position in the bow. Since this is faster than having to take arrows from a quiver, the wielder gains +2 on his initiative rolls when firing the bow. In addition, the wielder may opt to have the conjured arrow be magical, at +2 potential. This may be done up to five times per day. All arrows produced by the bow disappear after three rounds, whether or not they are fired. Scimitar, Acid Blade This weapon is +2 for purposes of determining what types of creatures it can hit, although the blade has no hit or damage bonus. The acid that constantly drips from it when it is drawn, however, does. Any opponent struck by the weapon takes normal scimitar damage plus 1-6 points of acid damage. A save versus poison will negate the effect of the acid for a given attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ All descriptions are courtesy of Tregor Sarandin of the Flashing Blade special weapons shop, Main Street, Auvenek, Grand Duchy of Varnakos. Copyleft (C) 1984 by DM Christopher Ross. All rights reversed. Have fun! -- ========== You are in a maze of twisty little uucp passages, all alike... Christopher Ross ...! { genrad | whuxl | ihnp4 } !mit-eddie!zaphod CSnet: Zaphod@MIT-EECS