[net.games.frp] High level evil Character-- Fadowshax

jj@rabbit.UUCP (09/06/84)

Well, it's a bit late, but I finally brought my books in, so
here's the evil character I would build, given a choice:
	Fadoshax the Fade
Lawful Evil-Human

Level 10 Assassin:  1,000,001 XP  (Developed first)
Level 18 Illusionist 1980001 XP 

Str: 13  Int: 17  W: 15 Dx: 18 Con:16 Ch: 14

Hit Points (10d6+ 20 + 1/level of Illus over L 10) = 42+20+8 = 70

Skills: Normal attacks as thief. 
	Thieving abilities as L7 thief.
	Weapon Prof's:  (5)
			Short Comp Bow
			Dagger (held)
			Dagger (thrown)
			Darts (thrown)

	Armor:  Leather (+1, 300XP value)
				<Cannot wear while spell-casting>
				<Worn under clothing during assassin forays>
	Spells: 5,5,5,5,3,3,2
			Change Self x 2, Hypnotism, Gaze reflection,Phant. Force
			Improved Phan. Force, Hypnotic Pattern, Blindness,
			Deafness, Invis.
			Spectral force x 2, Paralyzation x 2, Cont. Dark
			Phant. Killer x 2, Confusion, Improved Invisib.
			Shadow Monster.

			Summon Shadow, Maze, Demi-Shadow Monster
			Shades, Veil, Mass Suggestion
			Prismatic Wall, Prismatic Spray,
			First Level MU spells (at level 18, gets 8)
				Magic Missile (9 die) x 4, enlarge, 
				burning hands,  sleep x 2

	Other standard skills of assassin and Illus.

	(+1 Leather, already noted,  300 XP value)
	Dagger of venom x 2.  One of the daggers is loaded with
		a slow blood poison, like rattlesnake venom,
		to which Fadomshax carries antidote.
		The other dagger is loaded with a neurotoxin
		derived from the liver of the puffer fish,
		a poison which has no known antidote, is very
		stable, and works in 15 seconds.
		( 700  XP)  (total 1000 XP value of stuff)
	Ring of Human influence  (2000 XP)
	Ring of Protection (+6 +1 vs saves) (4000XP)  <total 7000>
	Wand of Illusion (fully charged)  (3000 XP)  <Total 10000>
	Girdle of Giant Strength ( Fire giant) (200XP)
	Sword +3 Frost Brand (+6 vs flame creatures) 
		Int: 16  Detect Good, Detect magic, and
		with With a purpose of slaying good, by disintegration
			(1600 XP)
	Ring of Wizardry,
		Spells doubled are 4th and 5th, extra spells are:
			Imp. Inv, Shadow Monster x 2, Phant. Killer
			Chaos, Maze, Shadow Magic.
		(4000 XP)  <total 15600>
	Bow +1, (500XP)  <16100>
	Cloak of Displacement (3000)  <19100>
	Oil of Etherialness (600)
	Healing Potion (200)

Fadowshax is a very anti-good person who often takes out contracts
on high-level good persons in order to shift the alignment of the
world toward his beliefs. <Which some say are expedient.>  He is
known for telling the assassinated person the name of the
contractor at the last minute, and suggesting nasty 
death curses. <This has been known to backfire!>

Not much else is known about Fadoshax, as he doesn't encourage 
"Maybe I've been hoping too hard, ..."
