[net.games.frp] AD&D Magic Item Competition: An interesting set of Staffs

wade@nmtvax.UUCP (09/26/84)

                                 Experience         G.P.
                                Point Value       Sale Value
Staff of Necromancy  (M,C)        15,000            75,000
Staff of Sorcery (M,C)            15,000            75,000
Staff of Wizardry (M,C)           20,000           100,000

     These staffs are a set, and were used by the three most
powerful spell casters in the <world,continent,kingdom> (circle one).
The Staff of Wizardry is by far the most powerful if used by
a powerful enough spell caster.  The Staff of Necromancy and
the Staff of Sorcery are about equal, but have greater power
depending on the situations they are employed in.  Only one set
exists, and the DM should be very careful about letting power
hungry players obtain these.  The Staff of Necromancy could raise
a large army of undead in short order, the Staff of Sorcery has such
great illusionary powers and mind control powers that it could be
dangerous, and the Staff of Wizardry can enable a spell caster to
bring great devilish and demonic powers to bear that you could 
soon have the entropy of your world maximized.  Just think what
would happen if one spell caster got a hold of the whole set!
They are meant to be possessed by three different spell casters
such that they check and balance each others power.

Staff of Necromancy
     This staff increases the power of any spells cast by the
user related to the dead by increasing their power by one level.
This affects such spells as resurrect, reincarnate, animate dead,
speak with dead, etc. at the DM's discretion.
     In addition to aiding such spells, the staff also has certain
other powers as listed below:

          1.  Turn Undead.  If the user is a cleric, then the
              staff adds two levels to his turning capability.
              If the user is not a cleric, the staff turns undead
              as a cleric two levels less than that of the user.

          2.  Animate Dead.  The staff can animate dead once a day
              just as the 3rd level cleric spell, animate dead.  Whoever
              possesses the staff will control the undead, even if
              a previous possessor actually gave the command to 
              animate dead.

          3.  Speak with Dead.  The staff can allow the possesser to
              speak with the dead once per week.

          4.  If the staff is wielded as a weapon, it does 1-6/1-6
              to living creatures, 2-12/2-12 to undead, and on a
              natural roll of 19 or 20, the undead creature being
              hit will be destroyed.  The effect is similar to
              that achieved by a D on the turning undead table.

Staff of Sorcery
     This staff aids all mind control type spells by increasing their
effectiveness by one level.  This includes such spells as suggestion,
charm person, charm monster, hold person, all illusion spells, etc. at
the DM's discretion.  The possessor will know all illusions for what
they are and will receive a +2 on all saves vs mind control type spells.
In addition, the staff has the following powers:

          1.  Dispel Illusion.  Done as an illusionist two levels 
              greater than the possesser.  Once per day as the 3rd
              level illusionist spell.

          2.  Charm Person.  Done as magic user two levels greater
              than the possesser.  Once per day as the 1st level
              magic user spell.
          3.  Charm Monster.  Done as magic user two levels greater
              than the possesser.  Once per day as the 4th level
              magic user spell.

          4.  Suggestion.  Done as magic user two levels greater than
              the possesser.  Once per week as the 3rd level magic user

          5.  Spectral Force.  Done as illusionist two levels greater
              than the possesser.  Once per week as the 3rd level 
              illusionist spell.

Staff of Wizardry
     This staff aids the possessor in demon/devil summoning and control, and
adds one level to the power of any spell cast on a demon/devil or used to
summon or banish a demon/devil.  This applies to spells like gate, cacodaemon,
spiritwrack, or any other spell used on a demon or devil.  The possessor is
immune to psionic attack by demons/devils and any demon/devil is at -2 to hit
the possessor.  The possessor receives a +2 on all saves from demon
attacks in any form.  The staff also has the following powers.

          1.  Gate. As the 7th level cleric spell, gate, at two levels
              greater than the level of the possessor.  Once per week.
              The possessor must know the demons/devils true name to
              use this power.

          2.  Tongues.  Allows the possessor to communicate with whatever
              horror he has drudged up in order to give commands to or
              deal with it.  Once per day as the 3rd level magic user

          3.  Spiritwrack. Gives the possessor the ability to punish
              uncooperative demons.  Once per week as the 6th level
              magic user spell.  The possessor must know the demon/devils
              true name to use this power.

          4.  Protection from Evil.  As two levels greater than that of
              possessor.  Once per day as the 1st level magic user spell.

          5.  If the staff is wielded as a weapon, It does 1-8/1-8 against
              normal creatures, 2-16/2-16 against demons and devils, and on
              a natural 20 on the to hit roll, the staff will kill demons
              and devils.  If not on the beasties home plane, it will 
              merely banish them to it for 100 years.

                                             Richard Wade