[net.games.frp] D&D database

tgm@ukc.UUCP (T.Murphy) (12/06/84)

Dungeons and Dragons Data Base

     We at Trinity have been actively involved with D&D  for
a number of years and over this period of time we have built
up a considerable amount of playing aids on our system.   We
use  it mostly for Advanced D&D but some of it is applicable
to the basic version.  Generaly what we have is:

     Character sheets -- fit nicely  onto  a  11x14  printer
     page.   Lists of spells, thieving chances,  etc. can be
     tagged on to the end as well.

     Spells -- All the info on  the  spells  (excluding  the
     explanation/description)  of  the Cleric, Druid, Magic-
     User, and Illusionst spells have been typed in and  are
     for the most part accurate. I also have a C program for
     reading and printing.

     N.P.C. management system --  A  series  of  C  programs
     based  on a single data structure.  Useful for creating
     NPCs and henchmen, editing, printing them and so forth.
     It  has its limitations and so isn't generally applica-
     ble to player characters but is easiably modified.

     Graph paper -- only really  portable  to  systems  with
     variable space printers.  Both squared paper of varying
     sizes and two fixed hex sizes avalible.  Written for  a
     LA-120 Decwriter.

     Dungeon  Master  Info  Sheet  --  More  suited  to  our
     slightly  non-standard  game system (then what is stan-
     dard?) but generally applicable.

     Dictionary -- Very limited dictionary from  english  to
     Tolkien  Elvish  (shamelessly  mixing Quenya and Sinda-
     rin).  Vocabulary approximately 450.

     As you can imagine, some of these are quite large.   If
you  are  interested  at  all  please  contact me to try and
arrange some type of transfer.  If you have your  own  which
are more complete I am eager to know.

		j^2 -- ...mcvax!ukc!tcdmath!jaymin

		Joe Jaquinta
		39 New Square
		Trinity College Dublin