[net.games.frp] 3. The Uncanny X-Men

lmaher@uokvax.UUCP (01/01/85)

<3 of 3>
All characters mentioned herein are trademarks of Marvel Comics.

All X-Men have the following unless stated otherwise:

VAL   CHA  Cost   Cost   Powers                                 Exceptions
		  5      Pilot, multiengine jets                 [1]
		  2      Psychic Rapport with Professor X        [1][3]
		  9      3 levels of teamwork with X-Men         [1]

   + Disadvantages
 10  Mutant
 35  Hunted by Sentinels 11-
 30  Hunted by Hellfire Club 8-
 15  (30) Hunted by Brotherhood of Evil 8-
 15  (30) Hunted by Magneto 8-                                   [2]
  6  (25) Hunted by portions of the US Govt
  5  (20) Hunted by Anti-Mutant Leagues 8-
100  Hunted as X-Man

[1]  Not Rogue
[2]  Not Kitty
[3]  Not Professor X, obviously

COLOSSUS          X-Men

VAL   CHA  Cost   Cost   Powers                                  END
20/70 STR  46     13     Martial Arts (20 pts, no kick)
 21   DEX  33     24*    Full Damage Resistance
15/28 CON  23     12*    Density Increase, 0 END cost
15/16 BOD  10      5     Ego Defense 7 pts
 10   INT          6*    Flash Defense 8 pts
 10   EGO          8*    Lack of Weakness -10
 15   PRE   5     12*    Life Support 15
 15   COM   2      6*    Power Defense 8 pts
10/30 PD   12     10*    Hardened Defenses (PD,ED)
 8/23 ED   13     10     2d Luck
  5   SPD  19      5     Instant Change
 9/20 REC   4     28*    1/4 END cost - STR                       3
44/60 END   7      3     Speak Fluent English (Native Russian)
33/67 STN   6     15     3 levels in HTH combat
		  10     1 overall level
			 *only in armored form
			 CHA after slash are *, and
			 include Density Increase

OCV 7  DCV 7  ECV 3
347: 347 = 180 + 167
100+ Disadvantages
 97  Experience Spent
 20  Code Against Killing
 10  Loyalty to the Team
  5  Unsure of position with X-Men
  5  Love for Mother Russia and family
100  Hunted as X-Man (qv)
 10  Private Identity: Peter Rasputin

CYCLOPS           X-Men

VAL   CHA  Cost   Cost   Powers                                  END
 15   STR   5     90*    Multipower 135 pts,x32 END Bty
 23   DEX  39      9*  u 18d Optic Blast (Physical               (18)
 23   CON  26            Attack)
 11   BOD   2      9*  u 6d RPKA                                 (18)
 20   INT  10      6*  u 15pt Missile Deflect 34-, costs END     (18)
 18   EGO  16            usable against others (+1)
 25   PRE  15     11     Ego Defense 15 pts
 18   COM   4      9     Flash Defense 9 pts
 10   PD    7      2     +1" Running
 15   ED   10     15     Martial Arts
  5   SPD  17      7     Acrobatics 14- (costs END)                2
 10   REC   4      5     Computer Programming 13-
 46   END         15     5 levels with Optic Blast
 30   STN         30     3 Overall Levels
		   5     Tk 10 pts, x1 END Bty, rech 1x/min       (2)
			 or from Solar Attacks (1/Bod), pooled
			 with other END Bty
			 * +1/2 Bonus, must burn 1 END per 3 spent
			 in battery, must fire at full power if
			 visor is removed or be blind (577 pt Bty)

OCV 8  DCV 8  ECV 6
360: 360 = 155 + 205
100+ Disadvantages
 95  Experience Spent
  5  Enraged (8-,11-) when teammates hurt
  5  1D Unluck
 20  Code Against Killing
 10  Won't use full power against people (max 12d) unless Ego
     roll made (+2d per -1 to roll)
100  Hunted as X-Man (qv)
 10  DNPC(Madelyne Pryor, Normal, 8-)
 15  Secret Identity: Scott Summers


VAL   CHA  Cost   Cost   Powers                                 END
 15   STR   5     60      60pt Multipower - Teleport
 28   DEX  54      4  u  (40) +5" Combat T-port, 1/4 END         1
 23   CON  26      4  u  (45) x64 T-port, 2xInstant.(+1)         3
 10   BOD                    = 960" in 1 phase
 13   INT   3      4  u  (60) x4 mass TIED to 4d AVLD:          13
 11   EGO   2                 -Def is Pow Def, no range on AVLD
 18   PRE   8      1  u  (20) +4d HTH, dep on Tport             +4
 13   COM   1      1  u  (20) AF on STR & M.Arts, 1/8 END cost,  3
 11   PD    8                 dep on Tport
 10   ED    5      1  m  ( 7) 7 memorized locations
  6   SPD  22      5     Ego Def 8 pts
  9   REC   2     10     Clinging - 20 STR                       2+str
 46   END         30     15" Teleport                            3
 30   STN   1      6     +3" Running
		  10     Superleap 3"x6"                         2+str
		  10     Ultraviolet Vision
		  10     Extra Limb - Tail
		  10     2d Luck
		  17     Invisibility, 1/8 END cost,
			 (-1 only works in Darkness)
		   4     1/2 END cost - STR                      1
		  22     Martial Arts (+1/2x damage)
		  14     Acrobatics 17-
		   7     Paramedic 14-
		   5     Stealth 15-
		   6     Electronics 12-, Mechanical Repair 12-
		   3     Speaks Fluent English (Native German)
		   2     Fencing: +1 HTH, OAF - swordlike weapons
		   9     3 Levels with Teleport
		  20     2 Overall Levels

OCV 9  DCV 9  ECV 4
412: 412 = 137 + 275
100+ Disadvantages
 87  Experience Spent
 20  2d Susceptibility to T-porting with others (very common)
 25  1d Susc/Km on Long range teleport (very common, 2d; uncommon, up
     to 8d on push)
 20  Code Against Killing
 20  Swashbuckler, Born Showman
100  Hunted as X-Man (qv)
 10  2d Unluck (Campaign, e.g. tubbing w/ friend when emergency occurs)
  5  DNPC(Amanda Sefton, Competent, 8-)
 15  Unusual Looks (Easy ID, inspires revulsion 14-)
 10  Private Identity: Kurt Wagner

Professor X              X-Men

VAL   CHA  Cost   Cost   Powers                        END
  8   STR  -2            100 pt EC - Telepathy
 14   DEX  12     40*  . 20d Telepathy                 (20)
 18   CON  16     20*  . 20d Mind Control              (20)
 10   BOD         20*  . 20d Mind Scan                 (20)
 23   INT  13     20*  . 100pt Mind Link               (20)
 50   EGO  80     50   . Ego Defense 85pts, hardened
 30   PRE  20     20*  . 10d EB, as ECV                (20)
 10   COM         16*  . Ego Counter Measures +48      (20)
  8   PD    6            costs END
  5   ED    1
  5   SPD  26
  8   REC   4     29*    103 pt Multipower - Telepathy,
 36   END                               2x END Cost
 23   STN         17   m Telepathy +20d, TI for 40d    (40)
		  17   m Mind Control +20d, TI for 40d (40)
Dex Roll 12-       6   m Mental Illusion +20d          (40)
Int Roll 14-       6   m Mind Scan +20d                (40)
Ego Roll 19-       6   m Mind Link +100pts             (40)
Per Roll 14-       6   m Ego Def +50, UoO, as ECV,     (40)
			 costs END
		   6   m Astral Projection 100pts      (40)
		   6   m NND for 20d                   (40)
		  10   m EB 20d, no range mod (TK Bolt)(40)
		   1   m Telekinesis 20pt              (16)
		   6   m FF(30,30,40)                  (40)
		   6   m FW(15,15,10;20 sides,100")    (40)
		   6   m Entangle 5d/5def, as ECV      (40)
		   5   m +20 levels with Psi Powers,   (40)
			 costs END
		   3   m (50) as ECV for +10d of EB    (20)
		   3   m (50) AP for 20d               (20)

		  20*    50 pt Multipower #2           (10)
		   4   m Area for up to 10d
		   4   m Explosion for up to 20d
		   4   m Extended Area (+1/4 Advantage
			 for 2x radius)

		  -7     -1" Running and 2x END cost     2
			 on remaining 5"
		   4     1/2 END cost on permanent      (1)
			 mind links
		  11     Danger Sense 11-, costs END    (2)
			 x2000 END Bty, rech from
			 REC after END is at full,
			 8- activate, in common pool
		  50     Mastermind
		   5     Computer Programming 14-
		   8     Knowledge: Genetics 17-
		   6                Electronics 15-
		       * x1 END Bty in common pool
			 (4075 END), burns 1 END for every 10
			 used from pool.
OCV 5  DCV 5  ECV 17
620: 620 = 176 + 434
100+ Disadvantages
278  Experience spent
  5  1D Unluck
  5  PhL: Pain in Legs
 10  1d Susc to using powers greater than 20d
 40  2x Stun and Body vs. all Mental attacks when END pool less than 1/4 full
 20  Code Against Killing
 15  Chronic worrier
 15  Won't use full power against people (max 12d) unless Ego
     roll made (+2d per -1 to roll)
  5  Unusual Looks 8- (spooky looking)
 10  Mutant
102  Hunted as X-Man
  5  DNPC(Lilandra, Comp, 8-)
 10  Private Identity: Charles Xavier

Professor X has a 5pt Mindlink with the following 10 people
most of the time.  Each of them has paid 2 points for the link,
so he has 15 points in link, with a x1/2 END cost costing him
1 END from the battery/phase.  The 10 are: Cannonball, Magma,
Mirage, Sunspot, Doug Ramsey, Wolfbane, Colossus, Nightcrawler,
Shadowcat, Wolverine.  He cannot link with Magik or Rogue.
Rachel Summers

VAL   CHA  Cost   Cost   Powers                        END
  8   STR  -2            50 pt EC - Telepathy
 18   DEX  24     20*  . 10d Telepathy                 (10)
 18   CON  16     10*  . 10d Mind Control              (10)
  9   BOD  -2     10*  . 10d Mind Scan                 (10)
 14   INT   4     25   . Ego Defense 53pts
 30   EGO  40     10*  . 5d EB, as ECV                 (10)
 14   PRE   4     10*  . FF(20,30)                     (10)
 18   COM   4
  7   PD    5     20*    51 pt Multipower - Telepathy
  5   ED    1     12   m Telepathy +10d, TI for 20d    (10)
  5   SPD  22     12   m Mind Control +10d, TI for 20d (10)
  8   REC   4      4   m Mental Illusion +10d          (10)
 36   END          4   m Mind Scan +10d                (10)
 22   STN          2   m (30) Mind Link +30 pts        ( 6)
		   8   m Ego Def +50, UOO, ranged      (10)
Dex Roll 12-             costs END
Int Roll 12-       6   m EB 10d, no range mod (TK Bolt)(10)
Ego Roll 15-       4   m Telekinesis 50pt              (10)
Per Roll 12-       2   m (25) as ECV for TK 25          (5)
		   4   m FF(30,20)                     (10)
		   8   m FW(8,12;10 sides,50")         (10)
		   4   m Entangle 3d/2def, as ECV      (10)
		   3   m +10 levels with Psi Powers,   (10)
			 costs END
		   4   m (25) as ECV for +5d of EB     ( 5/200)
			 sel fire for up to 10d
		   1   m Flight 6" (TK levitation)     ( 1)
		   7   m Ego Counter Measures +23,     (10)
			 costs END

		  20*    50 pt Multipower #2           (10)
		   4   m Area for up to 10d
		   4   m Explosion for up to 20d
		   4   m Extended Area

		   2     +1" Running
		   6     Instachange 10 pt, costs 5x END (10)
			 x1000 END Bty, rech from REC after
			 END is at full.
			 burns 1 END/10 from battery
		       * x1 END Bty in common pool
			 (2035 END)

OCV 6  DCV 6  ECV 10
279: 254 = 120 + 234
100+ Disadvantages
     Experience spent
 10  Berserk (8-,11-) under extreme emotional stress
 15  2d Susc to Instachange
 10  2D Unluck
 20  Emotional scars from slavery as a "hound"
 10  Mutant
 35  Hunted by Sentinels 11-
 35  Hunted by Selene 14-
 15  (30) Hunted by Hellfire Club 8-
 10  (20) Hunted by portions of the US Govt
  5  (20) Hunted by Anti-Mutant Leagues 8-
  4  Unusual Looks 8- in Maori War Mask
 10  Private Identity: Rachel Summers
SHADOWCAT         X-Men

VAL   CHA  Cost   Cost   Powers                                 END
 10   STR         131    Multipower 131 pt Phasing
 18   DEX  24      17  u Desolidification 15 BOD, Fully          1
 13   CON   6            Invisible power, 1/8 END cost
  8   BOD  -4            11- activate to go thru FF or FW
 23   INT  13       8* u 7d NND - Def is not having              1
 11   EGO   2            energy fields, 1/8 END Cost,
 10   PRE                no range
 13   COM   1       3    x4 mass for Desolid, x3 END            +6
  6   PD    4
  8   ED    5       3    Ego Def 10 pts, 14- activate
  5   SPD  22       5    Presence Defense 10 pts
  6   REC   2       6    5" Flight (Air Walking), 1/2 END cost, +0
 30   END   2            dep on Desolid (-1/2),
 20   STN                requires Concentration (-1/2)
		   15    Martial Arts (+1/2x damage)   4/5d
		   12    Acrobatics 14-
		   11    Computer Programming 17-
		    5    Stealth 13-
		   10    2 levels with HTH
			 *Special Effect - shorts out energy
			 fields, computers, electronics, etc.
			 if Bod on roll > Computer's Bod

OCV 6  DCV 6  ECV 4
303: 303 =  77 + 226
100+ Disadvantages
 21  Spent Experience (63 earned)
 10  Susc 1d to Desolidifying with others
 10  1.5x Stun vs. attacks that affect Desolid
 20  Code Against Killing
 10  In love with COLOSSUS
 92  Hunted as X-Man
 20  DNPC(Parents, 2 normals, 8-)
  5  (10) DNPC(Lockheed, Comp, 11-)
 15  Secret Identity: Kitty Pryde

STORM             X-Men

VAL   CHA  Cost   Cost   Powers                                  END
 10   STR          8     Ego Defense 8 pts
 23   DEX  39      5     Ego Defense +10 pts, only vs. Mind Control
 23   CON  26      5     Night Vision
 10   BOD         10     Martial Arts
 14   INT   4      3     Escape Artist 14-
 18   EGO  16      9     Security Systems 14-
 20   PRE  10      5     Stealth 14-
 20   COM   5      7     Speaks Native English, Fluent Swahili,
  8   PD    6            (Native Hindii)
 16   ED   11     20     4 Levels with Thief Skills: Escape Artist,
  5   SPD  17            Security Systems, Stealth, Knife
  7   REC         10     1 Overall Level
 46   END
 27   STN

OCV 8  DCV 8  ECV 6
290: 216 = 134 + 82
100+ Disadvantages
 10  Berserk (8-,11-) when really annoyed
  5  1D Unluck
 15  Dislikes Killing
 15  Claustrophobia (uncommon, total)
  5  (10) Reckless in Combat
  5  (10) Mild Acrophobia
 10  Unusual Looks 11-, Punk
100  Hunted as X-Man
 xx  Hunted by Deposed Morlocks
 10  DNPC (Kitty Pride, 14-)
 15  Secret Identity: Ororo Munroe

WOLVERINE         X-Men

VAL   CHA  Cost   Cost   Powers                                 END
 28   STR  13     79*    3d HPKA, AP, 1/8 END cost               1
 26   DEX  48            (4d with STR)
 43   CON  56     13*    2xAP, 1/2 END cost                     +2
 15   BOD   8            not vs. FF (-1/2)
 14   INT   4     12#    Half Damage Resistance
 14   EGO   8     10#    Density Increase, always on
 23   PRE  13      5     Ego Def 8 pts
 13   COM   1      7     Ego Def +11 pts, costs End              2
 22   PD   14      5     Lack of Weakness -5
 15   ED    4     20     Regeneration 2 BOD
  6   SPD  24      6     +3" Running
 15   REC   8     18     6 levels with PER Rolls
 60   END  -8     15     Tracking
 51   STN          5     Ultrasonic Hearing
		   3     Discriminatory Smell & Taste
Dex Roll 14-       1     Night Vision
Int Roll 12-       7     1/2 END cost - STR                      3
Ego Roll 12-      19     Martial Arts, no kick, 8d Punch
Per Roll 18-      10     Acrobatics 14-
		   3     Paramedic 12-
		   5     Security Systems 12-
		  11     Stealth 17-
		   8     Speak Native Japanese, Fluent Russian
		   3     1 level with claws
		  20     2 Overall Levels
		  10     +5 levels with claws, only when berserk (-1/2)
			 *OIF - Claws, unbreakable
			 #IIF Adamantium Skeleton, unbreakable
			 CHAs include Density Increase

OCV 9  DCV 9  ECV 5
477: 477 = 193 + 295
100+ Disadvantages
137  Experience spent
 15  Enraged (8-,11-) when teammates hurt
 20  Berserk (8-,8-) if fighting against desparate odds or badly injured
  5  PhL: Metal Skeleton
 20  No compunction vs. killing
 20  Always pays his debts, sense of giri
 10  Animalistic emotions
100  Hunted as X-Man (qv)
 10  DNPC(Mariko Yashida, Normal, 8-)
 15  DNPC(Akiko, Incompetent, 8-)
 10  Unusual looks 11-
 15  Secret Identity: Logan

That's it, and gosh, shouldn't it be?  If you have any comments,
or would like to see Magneto or anyone else, drop me a line.

		Carl Rigney
USMAIL:		Dorm 4, Room 45/ Fermilab/ Box 500/ Batavia, IL 60510
SLAC DECNET:	FNAL::RIGNEY (if you can reach the node FNAL)
USENET:		allegra!convex!ctvax!uokvax!lmaher (will be forwarded)

And remember,

	"The grave is a mutant's only lasting sanctuary."