[net.games.frp] Rolemaster

req@ubu.UUCP (Russell Quin) (12/07/84)

Has anyone out there been running Rolemaster [the fantasy role playing game
from Iron Crown Enterprises] for any length of time (say, 10 sessions or
more) ?
I've started running this, and would be interested to hear about other
people's experiences.  How do you find it compares to AD&D[TM] or RQ!, or
whatever else ou normally run ?  What do you do about one player-character
teaching another a skill, for example ?
Most important, what are the <<modules>> like ?
I have been able to get hold of --- with great difficulty --- Campaign Law
and the Iron Wind; is there any point buying Vog Mur ? Has anyone run
anything in any of these, and what were the main difficulties?

Sorry, lots of questions & low info content.  I really like many of the
ideas behind the game, although the layout could be better and an index
would have helped enormously.  The new edition is rumoured [white dwarf] to
be better presented, but it will almost certainly be far too expensive over
here in the UK; the 2nd Edn. is really a little too pricey already, as well
as being quite difficult to get hold of.

Please MAIL responses; if there are a lot of replies then I'll summarise.

Thanks (in advance)
		... mcvax!ukc!qtlon!flame!ubu!req

Striving to promote the interproduction of epimorphistic conformability ....

jj@alice.UUCP (12/10/84)

Well, I hesitate to say anything, since I remember all the
ad-hominem attacks I was congratulated with when I reviewed
Rolemaster a year ago, but...

I've been using Rolemaster for about a year now.  We've played
about every 1.5 weeks, at this point, and the campaign is starting
to progress nicely.  

	The "Character Law" book starts characters out
much to rich for my likings.
	The system is hard for AD&D types to learn, easier for
others, since it doesn't reduce fantasy life to quite the cut-and-dried
flavor of the "Other System".

I could go on for an hour, but let me make this a favorable review.

req@snow.UUCP (Russell Quin) (01/11/85)

A few replies, and those who stated how long they'd been running the system
have been using it for some time -- probably long enough for first
impressions to have been ousted... not long enough for a retrospective look
at a campaign, of course. So here is a summary/review, as promised. Most
people's impressions were favourable.

1)  Presentation:	The layout of the books is unhelpful; an index would
have been appreciated, and as the reviewer in The Dragon pointed out, the
tables are in a somewhat unexpected order.
	Scenarios are printed in a tiny (around 6pt) typeface which is a real
strain to read.  On the whole, however, it's certainly not the worst I've
seen, and the mail replies tend to agree that it is certainly useable with a
bit of practice, although it is ``quite difficult to learn straight off.''
	Perhaps it isn't really fair to compare other systems with TSR[TM]'s
layout, but it's difficult not to.  News of a new Rolemaster edition in a
different format means that the situation may well improve.

2)  Combat:	Possibly the most controversial aspect of the system. Replies
vary tremendously.  An example:
> I *like* the combat system a lot. I think that by combining it with the
> wound and healing system in the game you get a much more "realistic" sort of
> combat. In a recent knife fight in an alley the players came out with an arm
> wound (serious), a chest wound (minor) and a broken tendon (a botched attempt
> at a martial art strike).
The combat is table-driven: there is a table for each weapon, with a different
column for each type of opponent's armour [a total of 20 types]. An open-ended
dice roll with added and/or subtracted modifiers
gives a column in the table determining if a hit was made, what the damage was,
and whether a critical was scored. Criticals involve one of the Critical tables;
a roll is made giving further damage to specified locations [broken arm etc].

The main criticisms of the approach are that it's hard to alter a table [but
you can always use a different one -- there are certainly enough provided!] and
that you can never get to remember all the ``to hit'' scores [cf. Basic D&D]/
The advantages seem to be:-
	it's fairly fast
	it's simple to use, although you do need enough copies of the tables
to give 1/player, really
	the comprehensive modifiers allow for GM's judgement in a simple and
intuitive manner -- important for fast running -- and are all summarised in a
table somewhere. I know 'cos I found it.
	it provides a certain amount of detail -- more than AD&D, less than RQ!
I guess it's a very individual thing, but there are notes about compatibility
with AD&D in the back, so you could revert if you really wanted... You could
also use Rolemaster's combat with AD&D.

3) The Skill System:	I've presented the skill system as being separate, but
it is really quite well integrated.  There are character classes, but the ONLY
difference they make is how much it ``costs'' to develop each skill.  It is
easy to add new skills, and the class system means that characters are
individual.  Skills improve on going up an (overall) level; a detailed
experience points table suggests what to award points for, including ``idea
points'' and bonuses for doing things first time round -- the first Orc is
worth much, much more than the fourteenth! -- without too much [for me] book-
	The manoeuvre table is a good idea, giving success/failure percentage
depending on the relative difficulty and the ubiquitous modifiers:
> The manoeuvre table is also a good idea, but difficult to use sometimes.
The problem lies in allocating a difficulty [routine,easy,difficult,absurd etc]
to a task. Results include -- outstanding success, all nearby foes stunned..
or you can fall and hurt yourself, ending in a coma for weeks or even years.

4)  Campaign Law:	This volume is sold separately. The first half relates
to starting up and running a campaign in general, including world design etc.,
and is well worthwhile.  The second half includes an example ``campaign world'',
Vog Mur. More on that below.

5) Modules:	These are NOT for the beginning GM. They are not modules in the
TSR[TM] sense; they are detailed are descriptions.  In tiny print.  The layout
could be better:
> A lot of work has obviously gone into it, but it's not really my cup of tea.
> Perhaps that's why my campaign is set in an Eastern/Arabian background rather
> than anything else.
The modules play far more slowly than most others I've seen. One comment was
> I've been using Rolemaster for about a year ... the campaign is starting to
> progress nicely.

6) Other Comments:
> ... starts characters out too rich for my likings..

> ... hard for AD&D types to learn, easier for others, since it doesn't reduce
> fantasy life to quite the cut-and-dried flavour of the "Other System".
[I'm not sure I agree about that... ]

> I *like* ... combining [the combat system] with the wound and healing system.

My own view is that it can provide a detailed atmosphere but requires a good
deal of work on the GM's part.  The modules don't seem worthwhile (maybe they
are cheaper in the US ?), but Campaign Law is a must, and worth looking at even
if you don't intend to use Rolemaster.
Further comments more than welcome.
	Russell Quin
		... mcvax!ukc!qtlon!flame!ubu!snow!req
Striving to promote the interproduction of epimorphistic conformability ....