[net.math] A liar, truth-teller, and random puzzle

mwk@cornell.UUCP (Mark W. Krentel) (10/20/83)

From: mwk (Mark W. Krentel)
To: net-math, net-puzzle

   My Information Theory professor gave us this problem in class
(not an exam) last semester, and I found it interesting.

   You recall the problem of the liar and the truth-teller:
Given two people, one of which always lies while the other always
tells the truth, how can you determine which is which using one
yes/no question?  The answer is very easy, ask one of them if 0=0.

   Now, generalize the problem to allow 3 people, one liar, one
truth-teller, and one who answers randomly.  You are guaranteed
there is exactly one of each.  Now, there are 3! = 6 possibilities,
so clearly 3 questions are needed in the worst case.  The problem
is to show that 3 questions always suffice to identify them.
You may assume:

     (1) they each know the identities of the other two.
         (You will need this assumption.)

     (2) either the random person answers yes/no with equal
         probability, OR the random person is a daemon that can
         anticipate your future questions and tries to frustrate you.

   (A) The first part is to show that this can always be solved in
       a finite number of questions.
   (B) After solving (A), you should see how to obtain a simple 
       solution using only 4 questions.

   (C) Then show that 3 questions suffice.   This last part took
       me a half-hour with pencil and paper and isn't very obvious.
       I claim that the first question is essentially unique, i.e.,
       any first question in a solution to (C) is equivalent to
       it or its negation.

   If there is sufficient interest, I will give a solution in
a couple weeks.

                                         Mark W. Krentel
                                         mwk at Cornell, CS

nm@hou2b.UUCP (10/31/83)

Let T, L, and R represent a truth teller, a liar, and one who
answers randomly, respectively.  It is known of A, B, and C
that one is T, another is L, and the thrid is R.  The following
procedure determines who is who using 3 yes/no questions.

Ask A: Q1. Does ABC eual either LRT or TLR?

       If he ansers "yes", ask the follwing two questions from B
          Q2. Is 3 an even number?
          Q3. Does A=R?
       If the answer to Q1 is "no" ask the same Q2 and Q3 from C.

The followng chart dertermines who is who:

   Q1   Q2   Q3   A   B   C
   Y    Y    Y    T   L   R
   Y    Y    N    R   L   T
   Y    N    Y    R   T   L
   Y    N    N    L   T   R
   N    Y    Y    T   R   L
   N    Y    N    R   T   L
   N    N    Y    R   L   T
   N    N    N    L   R   T