[net.games.frp] multi-user dungeons - what do people think of 'em?

west@ru-cs44.UUCP (Jeremy West @ Reading Unversity) (03/06/85)

        I'm looking for information on computer moderated
dungeons - especially multi-user. I'd like to know what
dungeons (or similar 'adventure' tpye games) exist and what
people think of them. The information may be used to
compile a list of such facilities, so if your favourite MUD
is open to outside users do please include details of
availability as well as your scathingly witty comments on
its playability etc. I shall, of course, summarise to the
net if there is enough interest.


        Jerry West      (..ukc!ru-cs44!rdg-cs!west   uucp)
                        (west%cs@uk.ac.rdg.micro     janet/pss)
                        (west%cs%rdg.micro@ucl-cs    ARPA)