[net.games.frp] Street Wizards

erik@resonex.UUCP (Erik Guttman) (03/30/85)


	A free moment has fallen into my hands, so I'll take the opportunity
to post the last segment of the character class, STREET WIZARDS:


   <21>.  Urban Navigation:  (1); [3%]; A successful roll will let the Street 
Wizard know where he is in a city, the fastest route to any other place, the
safest and most secretive paths or even an accurate estimation of the routes
most likely used by others.  It is not only a topographic skill, it includes
knowledge of the cultural and economic demography within a city.

   <22>.  Architecture Sense:  (1); [4%]; This is a psychic ability which allows
the user to sense floor plans in buildings.  This sense extends 45' in all dir-
ections.  It cannot see through walls UNLESS there is a door intervening.  This
also will allow an automatic detection of secret doors.  The limitation of this 
ability is that it will only work in buildings or structures which have a lot of
sentient-traffic.  The psychic ability is tracing the paths left by those who 
use the building.  If it isn't used more than once per day, the roll is at 1/2,
and if it hasn't been used in a week, there is NO chance of detection.  Each 
use lasts for 1 minute.

   <23>.  Bargaining:  [3%]; If the percent roll is made, one will be able to
tell if one is being "ripped off."  This requires BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE as a pre-
requisite.  Alternately, it may be used to get a better deal, figure this will
be about 1% per level of the street wizard price break, as a MINIMUM.

   <24>.  Disease Knowledge: (1); [3%]; Sense contamination, risk of catching
contagious stuff in the area from diseased people and what the disease is; its
dangers, chances of healing and where to go for treatment.  This lasts for four
hours per psychic strength point expended.

   <25>.  Mastery of 3 Forms of Crime:  [4%]; This is actually three skills
in one.  When one chooses it, select 3 kinds of crime that the Street Wizard 
have percentile-skill with.  Examples are: Extortion, arson, embezzlement, kid-
napping, bribery, mail fraud, etc. (but any are possible.)

   <26>.  Gestural Telepathy: (1); [3%]; This psychic skill allows the user to 
communicate to one other with facial expressions and slight body movements, but
to convey as much information as he would if he were speaking.  No one except
the target can understand the communication.  In fact, unless they are very ob-
servant, it is unlikely that they will notice that anything is going on at all.
Roll skill % to see if the information is conveyed accurately.  The target's re-
sponce may be read if 1/2 the percent is rolled.  If this skill is used to read the involuntary body language of a victim, the chance is 1/6 the skill percent.
Only one individual may be talked to/listened to at once.  One psychic point 
allows ten minutes of Gestural Telepathy.

   <27>.  Read Body Language:  (1); [2%]; This is a special case of the above
which allows an advanced reading of a victim by their psychic emanations.  If
percent is rolled, one may tell if they are lying, and what their emotional 
state is.  One psychic strength point lasts for 3 minutes of this skill.

   <28>.  Street Tactics:  [5%]; Gives one knowledge of troop movement, terrain
use and ambush/skirmish strategy within a city for small or large amounts of
troops.  It allows various skills (like losing pursuers, spying, etc.) to be
applied to a tactical scenario - involving the command of task forces not indiv-
iduals.  It also allows one to forecast how others will manuever and deploy.  
Finally, it is a leadership skill which will allow complex logistics, recon and
ordinance to be managed and deployed.  P.R. 6'th level minimum.

   <29>.  Street-technics:  (2); [3%];  This is a Street Wizards answer to pyro-
technics.  It allows the wiz to control the mood of a given 1 block radius per
4 levels for 1 minuter per 2 psychic points.  The movement may also be guided. 
To explain:  Everyone must save or have their reaction rolls biased +50% in the
favor of the wiz.  This could be used to empty a street, cause a carnival atmos-
phere, etc.  P.R. Cause Riot.  


These are the levels, experience point requirements and automatic skills:

-----	----------	-----------------------------------------------------

  1	   0000		 Urban Resources:  [60% + 5%/level]; Medical, legal,
				black market, drug connections, transportation,
				and so forth.  This skill will give a background
				knowledge of where these services are and how 
				much they usually cost.
  2	   1800		 ------
  3	   3600		 Appraise Individual:  [30% + 3%/level]; As the Street
				wizard spends so much time around different 
				types of individuals, he develops an instinct
				as to their power (skill and armament), cultural
				background and personality.  It is vague unless
				1/4'th required roll is made; then be explicit.
  4	   6300		 ------
  5	   9900		 Recognize Turf:  [40% + 4%/level]; The Wizard can rec-
				ognize the who 'claims' an area, and how tense
				and violent they are about guarding it.
  6	  13500		 Gain Connections:  [20% + 5%/level];  The wiz will de-
				velop a network of contacts and business part-
				ners.  This will add +20% to bargaining, Quick
				Help, Resource, etc. rolls.
  7	  17100		 Guage Worth of Friends:  [20% + 5%/level]; This skill
				can be used to accurately judge the amount one
				may rely on their friends.  This doesn't only 
				mean assessing their assets, but also their 
				loyalty and commitment to your cause.
  8	  29700		 ------
  9	  36900		 Street Invisability:  (1); [45% + 3%/level]; The wiz
				may be completely unseeable in a city, by 
				'blending into the landscape.'  This is a 
				psychic self-emanation-erasure ability.  Those
				that are looking SPECIFICALLY for the wiz get
				saves vs psychic attack.  It lasts 10 mins./pt.
				and each victim must be rolled for, to see if
				they 'see through' the deception.
 10	  44100		 Gain back 2 psychic points per hour in super high den-
				sity centers (population-wise!).
 11 	  51000		 Alley Wizardry:  Gain +3 to attack and defense in close
				in, dark areas.
 12	  58500		 Legal Connections:  [40% + 4%/level]; If this roll is 
				made, the wiz is able to wriggle out of prison
				or a legal hassle, by getting aid from his bud-
				dies 'inside the system.'  The deeper one part-
				icular plot goes though, the less the % of 
				success will be.  (ex.  first time = even on,
				second arrest, same story line = -10% roll, etc)
 13	  65700		 Adaptation to new cities in only 20 - level weeks.  
				(Normally it takes a wiz 20 - level MONTHS to 
				adapt to a new city.)
 14	  76500		 ------
 15	  87300		 Throng Fusion:  (3); This allows powers to be amplified
				+1x for every 100 people within a 500' radius.  
				(ex.  200 people in 500' r. = 3x power., 300
				people = 4x power, etc.)
 16 +	  ++++++	 If you've played a Street Wizard up to 16'th level, you
				can start making up his abilities!

I hope you enjoy it.  Please mail me any comments or questions you may have.  
I am particularly interested in how this sort of thing fits into your campaigns.

Always Later,

Erik Guttman.