steve@avsdS.UUCP (Steve Russell) (07/24/85)
(space) (space) (space) (space) (space) one command word that a munchkin told me works real good is "undress". he says that it takes one round for the victim to get partway undressed and another one to get his clothes (or armor) back together. how would you rule on this? ALSO, not on the same subject, how do other players and gm's play zero hit points? we've been playing a variant (aren't we all) that allows zero hit points to be unconciousness until the missing h.p. is restored, either by time or by magic. minus h.p.'s still cause death in 9 rounds or less. we've also been ignoring the "one week" of bedrest for zero or below h.p. conditions (which i intend to include in my current campaign). avsds:steve
quint@topaz.ARPA (Amqueue) (08/02/85)
In article <82@avsdS.UUCP> steve@avsdS.UUCP (Steve Russell) writes: >ALSO, not on the same subject, how do other players and gm's play >zero hit points? we've been playing a variant (aren't we all) that >allows zero hit points to be unconciousness until the missing h.p. is >restored, either by time or by magic. minus h.p.'s still cause death in >9 rounds or less. we've also been ignoring the "one week" of bedrest for >zero or below h.p. conditions (which i intend to include in my current >campaign). >avsds:steve We play a slightly complex version of this. If you are at 0 h.p., you are unconscious and stunned, but not bleeding, and will get up eventually on your own. -1 to -3 inclusive, you are unconscious and bleeding. You bleed one point per round thereafter unless someone "binds your wounds"... it is assumed that every pc type can perform this basic first-aid type function. If you bleed past -7, you are dead. If one blow takes you to -4 or farther you are dead. I think that some extraordinary magic can still revive you from between -4 and -7 in one blow type damage, (extra. magic meaning rings of regen, or similar stuff.) but I am not sure of that. If you go to 0 or below, and you are healed to full that day, then you can be useful the next day. Otherwise, you are pretty useless untill you are at full. Useless means fighters cant fight, m.u.'s cant cast, stuff likethat. These people can walk around adn exist normally, but they are effectively resting. have fun /amqueue