[net.games.frp] Missing Addresses

mark@mrstve.UUCP (Mark Smith) (12/30/85)

     To all Adventurers in the Realm (and would-be adventurers also)

     I am still receiving first time mail without return addresses.  I do
     not have the time nor patience to backtrack the address in the header,
     SO PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR ADDRESS.  People I need addresses for as of today
	      Chris Guthrie: 
		   As you can see by the posting, I have received your
		   characters and they are entered into the campaign.  I
		   still need to return your finished characters and give
		   you your first installment.

              Web Dove:
		   I have all the answers to your questions, but I can't
		   send them to you until I get an address to which I can

     Fortunately these are the only two (at this time).  If you are a first
     time writer to the GM, please include your address so I don't have to
     post these additional messages and clutter the net.

			Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

					THANK YOU!!!!!



  May the Quest for the ElfSword be
  your ultimate goal in life...
					  Mark Smith
         		GM          	  "The Software Wizard"