rtummers1@watrose.UUCP (Richard Tummers) (03/04/86)
WATSFIC Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Tournament ************************************************ WATSFIC (the university of WAterloo Science FIction Club) is hosting the WATSFIC Advanced D&D tournament on March 8th and 9th, 1986. Characters will be between 9th and 12th level, prizes will be bigger than ever, and entry fees are at a $4.00 base, with discounts availaible to members, UofW students, or each member of a pre-arranged team of six. It will be held in the Engineering Lecture Hall (EL101) on the UofW campus starting at 8:00 am Saturday March 8th. To register you and/or your team contact the WATSFIC office, or reply via e-mail to this account. (First come, first served basis). WATSFIC is located on the University of Waterloo Campus, Math and Computer building, room 1009, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1. Computer account: watsfic@watbun (UofW campus).