[ont.jobs] Computer Consultants Wanted

ings (05/17/83)

          Computer Consultant / Systems Designer

     We would like to meet persons interested in  employment
beginning  late summer or early fall. We are a rapidly grow-
ing research and development consulting firm  that  special-
ises  in  software  tools  and hardware/software systems for
very high speed computers, array, vector and  parallel  pro-

     You should have  a  strong  background  with  an  M.Sc.
degree  imminent  in  CS, Math., EE, or a related field. You
must have very strong  communications  and  writing  skills.
Previous experience with array processors and with real time
computing concepts, in a scientific/engineering applications
environment, is preferred.

     We are also looking for individuals  with  Perkin-Elmer
OS/32  experience.  We can offer contract or permanent posi-
tions. Positions are available from June 15, 1983.

     Please contact Ron Haynes or S. Berkowitz at Array Sys-
tems  Computing, 5000 Dufferin Street, Suite 200, Downsview,
Ontario, M3H 5T5. 416-736-0900.