[ont.jobs] OOPS.. no postal code.

msg@dretor.dciem.dnd.ca (Marc Grushcow) (02/04/89)

Sorry .....
    This is a re-posting.  We left off the postal code.  You can try
to reply by e-mail, but around here, surface mail is more reliable.

	Project Manager and Programmer/Analyst Positions Available

NTT SYSTEMS INC. is a contract software development and consulting firm
which specializes in the design and implementation of real time and 
interactive systems.  We work in a wide variety of technical environments
including VMS, UNIX (on SUN's as well as various superminis), PC's and
Commodore AMIGAs.  Our projects often involve networking, multitasking and
the development of graphics applications.

We have immediate openings at the following levels:

Working alone or in small groups you will be responsible for the design and
implementation of a variety of software applications.  You have a proven
record of success in developing UNIX applications in the technical or
scientific areas.  More importantly, you are able to adapt to new
environments and systems.  

Technical Project Manager
You are responsible for all aspects of the project life cycle ranging from
proposal preparation to Q/A and standards.  While being able to schedule
and manage small project teams you still enjoy rolling up your sleeves and
doing the work.  

If you are energetic, self motivated, seeking responsibility and looking 
for a job where your efforts count, this is a great opportunity.  Strong
interpersonal skills and desire to work in teams is a must.

Resumes to:
	Mr. M. Grushcow,
	53 Abbeywood Trail,
	Don Mills, Ontario.
    M3B 3B4