[ont.jobs] Tenure-track Computer Science Position

mason@tmsoft.uucp (Dave Mason) (04/11/89)

     The Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science has a tenure-
track position in the area of Computer Science, beginning September 1, 1989.
This position is targeted for women as a result of an Employment Equity
Program (under Special Program #75 of the Human Rights Commission).

     We are seeking an individual with a solid undergraduate/graduate
background in Computer Science who will dedicate herself to teaching at the
undergraduate level and simultaneously commit to some applied research in her
specialty area within Computer Science.  The successful candidate will also be
expected to participate fully in the planning process and be prepared to
undertake curriculum development.

     The Department administers the School of Computer Science which offers a
4-year Bachelor's degree in Applied Computer Science.  Facilities available
include microcomputers, minicomputers and access to the Institute mainframe.

     All candidates are expected to have completed their graduate work in
Computer Science.  Although a Ph.D. degree is preferred, serious consideration
will be given to those with a Master's degree, especially if accompanied by
some professional experience.

     In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be
given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

     Send resume and references by 15th May, 1989 to:
			Mr. V.M.Kushnir
			Dept. Math.,Physics,& Comp.Sc.
			Ryerson Polytechinical Institute
			350 Victoria St
			Toronto, Ontario  M5B 2K3

 I have been teaching at Ryerson for 8 years.  I think we have a very
good undergraduate program, and it is a GOOD place to be if you enjoy
teaching.  Less so if you eat and breath research, although there is
good support for attending conferences and the research component is
definitely increasing.  If you have questions about teaching here,
feel free to drop me a line.
	../Dave Mason