[net.cycle] small comment on language

hsc (04/16/83)

Many people find names like "jap" offensive.  Let's try to be a little more
sensitive.  "Tough talk" does not help convey ideas; it just keeps people
from listening to what you have to say.  Harvey S. Cohen, American Bell, Lincroft, NJ

hxe (04/20/83)

Reference: The article that was pro-Harley/America/Standard of Living

In addition to "jap" you used "rice-cycle."  That may be
clever, but I have to agree that it gives the impression
of a close-minded bigot.  Your ideas might be sound (although
I, personally, don't agree with them) but your delivery
negates any positive effect they may have.  Obviously, issue
is an emotional one for you, but gentle persuasion has
always worked better than hard-hitting cliches.