randy@umcp-cs.UUCP (03/22/84)
Since the time this problem was posted, I have seen only one response. In case you've forgotten, the problem was to prove that there are no n>1 and k>1 such that 2 n! = k Certainly, I believe it given the following conjecture: For any integer m > 1, there exists a prime p such that m/2 < p <= m. Can anyone prove this conjecture or offer pointers to a proof, or solve the problem some other way? -- Randy Trigg ...!seismo!umcp-cs!randy (Usenet) randy%umcp-cs@CSNet-Relay (Arpanet)
gmf@uvacs.UUCP (03/24/84)
From Elementary Theory of Numbers by W. Sierpinski (Warsaw, 1964): p. 138: "Corollary 4. For natural numbers > 1 number n! is not a k-th power with k > 1 being a natural number." Sierpinski gets this from a theorem of Tchebycheff, p. 137: "If n is a natural number > 3, then between n and 2n-2 there is at least one prime number." This in turn is obtained from: "If n is a natural number > 5, then between n and 2n there are at least two different prime numbers" (p. 137). G. Fisher