[net.math] Comments Solicited on Mathematics Conference

dzd@cosivax.UUCP (Dean Douthat) (04/10/84)

Here  in Ann Arbor, there is an ad hoc committee composed of area
middle and high  school  teachers,  coordinators  and  university
educators  [teachers]  plus  people  working  in technology-based
organizations on R & D, service, production etc.  [practitioners]
Its purpose is to organize a one-day long conference for teachers
in mid-May:

                  Industry/Education Conference

   MATHEMATICS & TECHNOLOGY: Tools and Disciplines for Living

One  major  goal  is to contrast the practitioner's technological
and dynamic view of mathematics with  the  teacher's  traditional
and static school view.  A hoped for result is that teachers will
gain  a  better understanding of the changing role of mathematics
in society as a whole and in the workplace.  This might  lead  to
better student motivation and curriculum improvements.

Having  been  suckered  into  giving the keynote address for this
shindig, I have included  below  some  preliminary  thoughts  and
ideas.   By  posting  these,  I hope to stimulate comments and/or
criticisms.  Please reply directly; I will post  results  to  the

Thanks in advance,

Dean Douthat

UUCP:   ...!sb1!mb2c!uofm-cv!cosivax!dzd |  Mail: Zahntron, Inc.
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Definition of Mathematics (19th Century Style -- Industrial
Revolution Environment)

              The science of numbers and quantity.

A  self-contained discipline whose end product is quantification,
calculation and memorization.  It was a universal requirement  on
the  same  reasoning  used  to  justify school athletics -- "good
discipline (mental)".

Focus = product and answer

Relationship  to  Students  -- only a few specialists can exel in
and enjoy mathematics

Relationship  to  Jobs  and  Careers -- only a few jobs demanding
thorough foundation and on-going learning in math.   Most  people
will  train  for and have only one or a few different jobs during
career, these will not  demand  high  skill  levels  and  require
little on-going learning.

Relationship to Everyday Living -- little if any application


Definition of Mathematics (20th Century Style (Informational
Revolution Environment)

              The science of symbols and modeling.

Interdisciplinary and flexible whose aim is developing facilities
for  estimation,  intuition,  hunches  and  testing, discovery of
relations/trends, problem definition and strategies for solution.
Numerical, calulation and memory aspects are so unimportant  they
can be left to machines; marginally mental at all.

Focus = process and method.

Relationship  to  Students  -- all living in this information age
need symbolic models to understand what the new technologies are,
how to use them, how to adapt them as they evolve.  

Relationship  to Jobs & Careers -- Technology changes jobs.  Most
can expect to have many jobs throughout careers requiring  widely
varying skills and so making on-going learning the expected norm.
To  adapt  to  dynamic work setting requires facility in handling
symbols, models and functional relationships.

Relationships  to  Everyday Living -- Humans need symbolic models
of their world to deal with it.   As  their  world  becomes  more
technical,  the needed models become more complex.  Then math, as
science of symbols and models becomes more  important  in  using,
evaluating, testing, procuring, and regulating  technology-driven
social, political and economic issues.




1. Technology "pulls" Math:

Conceiving,  designing,  building  and  operating larger and more
complex systems demands more subtle and powerful Math, especially
for simulation and  related  symbolic  models.   Human  interface
demands  improved  mathematics to support better understanding of
natural intelligence.  (Marr on visual perception,  Grossberg  on
non-linear  neural  models,  others?)  Increasing capabilities on
machine side demand new mathematical insights.  (AI,  complexity,
analysis of algorithms, parallelism, networking, others?)

2. Technology "pushes" Math:

New  technologies,  particularly the key information technologies
(computers and communications) give new tools which push math  in
new  directions  and  at  faster  rates.  These have been used in
proof  (four-color  problem),  in  conjecture   testing   (number
theory),  in  large  scale  models and simulations (aerodynamics,
atmospherics), in equation/expression simplification and symbolic
solutions (quantum and relativity physics), in real-time  adative
control models (plant process control).

3. Mathematics Mirrors Human Central Nervous System:

As  a  product  of  the human mind, it should be no surprise that
mathematics mirrors the human brain.  The retina, optical ganglia
and visual cortex are  "Euclid's  axioms  in  vivo".   The  major
survival  value  of the neo-cortex is ability to build, adapt and
use elegant and powerful symbolic models for predicting behavior.

4. Social and Political Issues Reflect Symbolic Models:

Safety of technology, environmental effects of technology, health
hazards  and  what  policies/plans to adopt for these all are far
too subtle to be understood by looking at raw data.  They must be
mediated by complex mathematical models.  Without an appreciation
of their plausibility, credibility, limitations,  sensitivity  to
assumptions,  sensitivity  to  data errors, etc., sound political
judgement is impossible.



Students  need  to  be  adaptive,  familiar  with business, solid
thinkers and users of technology to succeed as workers.

Long-term productivity and quality of business depends on workers
who are also on-going learners from a sound basis.

Students  will  become consumers of products with high technology
content.   The  need  to  appreciate  the  advantages  of   these
products, not fear them, want to own and use them.



Show  how  technologies  are  useful  and helpful for work, play,
health, safety and even freedom of individuals and groups.

Explain and show how math is applied for developing technology.

Explain  and show how math is needed to use and assess technology
wisely and to set policy, plans and priorities for it.

Provide role-models for careers & jobs related to math