[net.cycle] How do I join clubs?

schwager@uiucdcs.Uiuc.ARPA (09/17/85)

Hey, cycling netters!  How does one go about joining the AMA?  How about
any motorcycle touring organizations/magazines?  I know some touring 
mags exist, but all I see in the local newstands are hot rod type
motorcycles...  nothing for those of us that like to cruise peaceful country
-mike schwager
-- {ihnp4,convex,pur-ee}!uiucdcs!schwager   schwager%uiuc@csnet-relay.arpa

dob@ihlpa.UUCP (Daniel M. O'Brien) (09/18/85)

> Hey, cycling netters!  How does one go about joining the AMA? 
> -mike schwager

	American Motorcyclist Association
	P.O. Box 6114
	Westerville, Ohio 43081

This is straight off my AMA card!  There is also an 800-number that
should be available from 800-directory assistance (1-800-555-1212). 
(I think it is something like 1-800-AMA-JOIN.)  They will send you an 
application package.


			Daniel M. O'Brien (ihnp4!ihlpa!dob)
			AT&T Bell Laboratories
			IH 4A-258, x 4782
			Naperville-Wheaton Road
			Naperville, IL 60566

ayers@convexs.UUCP (09/18/85)

>Hey, cycling netters!  How does one go about joining the AMA?  

First, spend 6-10 years in med school...

	(Hey! I may not be wrong, but by _God_, I'll bet I'm not far from it!)

					blues, II

turner@saber.UUCP (D'arc Angel @ The Houses of the Holy) (09/20/85)

> Hey, cycling netters!  How does one go about joining the AMA?  How about
> any motorcycle touring organizations/magazines?  I know some touring 
> mags exist, but all I see in the local newstands are hot rod type
> motorcycles...  nothing for those of us that like to cruise peaceful country
> roads.
> -mike schwager
> -- {ihnp4,convex,pur-ee}!uiucdcs!schwager   schwager%uiuc@csnet-relay.arpa

I hate me too's but.... maybe mike could summerize the resonses on the net
			god bless Lily St. Cyr
			 -Rocky Horror Picture Show

Name:	James Turner
Mail:	Saber Technology, 2381 Bering Drive, San Jose, California 95131
AT&T:	(408) 945-9600 x75
UUCP:	...{decvax,ucbvax}!decwrl!saber!turner